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In der schnelllebigen Online-Glücksspielbranche ist es wichtig, der Entwicklung immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Spribe, ein im November 2018 gegründetes Unternehmen, ist ein solcher Vorreiter in der iGaming-Branche. Ihre Mission ist ganz klar: innovative Produkte zu entwickeln, die einen echten Einfluss haben. Bis 2023 und darüber hinaus wird das Unternehmen eine Vielzahl von Lizenzen erhalten und hebt sich mit seinem innovativen Angebot an Casino Spielen und Engagement-Tools deutlich von der Konkurrenz ab.

Eine kurze Beschreibung von Spribe

Spribe wurde im November 2018 gegründet und hat innerhalb einer bemerkenswert kurzen Zeitspanne wichtige Meilensteine erreicht.

Noch im Gründungsjahr schloss Spribe eine Partnerschaft mit Adjarabet, dem größten Online Casino in Georgien. Diese strategische Allianz war ein wichtiger Schritt, um die Präsenz von Spribe auf dem iGaming-Markt zu etablieren.

Im nächsten Jahr, im Januar 2019, stellte Spribe sein Flaggschiff, Aviator, der Welt vor. Aviator wurde zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil des Portfolios und war für seine Innovation und Beliebtheit bekannt. Im April 2019 führte Spribe seine Player-to-Player (P2P)-Spiele ein und festigte damit seinen Ruf als zukunftsorientierter Anbieter.

Spribes Engagement für Innovation zeigte sich jedoch mit der Einführung der ersten Reihe von Turbo Spielen im Mai 2019, die den Vorlieben der jüngeren Generation Y entsprechen. Im November 2019 erhielt Spribe eine Zertifizierung für seine Spiele, die ein faires und vertrauenswürdiges Spielerlebnis für die Spielerinnen und Spieler gewährleistet.

Im Februar 2020 hatte das Unternehmen seinen ersten Stand auf der ICE London und baute damit seine Präsenz in der internationalen iGaming-Szene weiter aus. Einige Monate später, im November 2020, markierte Spribe einen weiteren Meilenstein mit der Einführung des Spribe Pokerangebots.

Bis dahin hat das Unternehmen sein Engagement für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und den Spielerschutz unter Beweis gestellt, indem es weitere Lizenzen von angesehenen Behörden erhalten hat, unter anderem von der Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) und der UK Gambling Commission (UKGC).

Spribe hat außerdem Partnerschaften mit REEVO, Groove Gaming, Salsa Technology und einigen anderen branchenführenden Partnern geschlossen.

Licenses & Certifications

Die beeindruckende Timeline von Spribe unterstreicht das schnelle Wachstum des Unternehmens und sein Engagement, die Grenzen des Möglichen in der iGaming-Branche zu verschieben. Der Softwareanbieter aus der Ukraine hat sich Lizenzen und Zertifizierungen von verschiedenen Aufsichtsbehörden auf der ganzen Welt gesichert und stellt damit sicher, dass er innerhalb der Grenzen der geltenden Gesetze agiert.

Dazu gehören, wie bereits erwähnt, Lizenzen der MGA und der UKGC sowie der Gibraltar Gaming Commission, des Romania National Gambling Office und vieler weiterer Länder in Europa, Afrika und Amerika. Dieses Engagement zeigt, wie sehr sich Spribe darum bemüht, seinen Spielern in vielen regulierten Ländern eine sichere Spielumgebung zu bieten.

Turbo Games: Eine Mischung aus Tradition und Innovation

Die Turbo Spiele von Spribe spiegeln den Fokus auf Innovation wider und sind gleichzeitig auf die Vorlieben der jüngeren Generation Y ausgerichtet. Zu diesen Spielen gehören Aviator (Crash Spiel), Mines, Dice, Mini Roulette, HiLo, Plinko, Goal, Keno und HotLine. Jedes Spiel bietet ein einzigartiges und fesselndes Erlebnis mit einem responsiven HTML5-Design, das für die mobile Nutzung optimiert ist. Aviator ist das Flaggschiff unter den Spielen von Spribe. Seine Kombination aus Einfachheit und Nervenkitzel hat es zu einem Favoriten unter den Spielern gemacht.

Poker & Skill Games

Die Poker und Skill Games von Spribe bieten ein fortschrittliches und reaktionsschnelles HTML5-Erlebnis, das für die mobile Nutzung optimiert ist.


Zu diesen Spielen gehören Poker, Backgammon, Bura, Domino und Seka. Die Vielfalt stellt sicher, dass Spielerinnen und Spieler mit unterschiedlichen Vorlieben ihre bevorzugten Spiele finden können.

Engagement Tools: Verbesserung des iGaming-Erlebnisses

Das Unternehmen ist sich auch darüber im Klaren, dass die Zukunft des iGaming darin liegt, das Spielerlebnis durch zusätzliche Mechanismen und Engagement-Tools zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck bietet es eine Reihe von Tools an, um die Spieler zu beschäftigen und zu unterhalten, die sogenannten sozialen Module:

  • In-Game Chat: Fördert das Gemeinschaftsgefühl der Spieler und dient als Marketinginstrument für Casinos. Er ermöglicht es den Kunden, miteinander zu interagieren und ihr iGaming-Erlebnis zu bereichern, indem sie ihre Spielrunden über integrierte Tools teilen und so das Spiel weiter fördern.
  • Live Einsätze: Durch die Anzeige der Einsätze und Gewinne anderer Spieler wird das Spiel noch spannender und die soziale Interaktion während des Spiels gefördert.
  • Rain Promo Feature: Bietet ein einzigartiges Werbefeature, das zufällig Einsätze in den Chat einfügt und so die Interaktion und das Engagement der Spieler fördert.
  • Kostenlose Einsätze: Die beste Art, den Kunden ein Spiel zu präsentieren und es als Geschenk in willkürlichen Aktionen einzusetzen.

Die Engagement-Tools von Spribe fügen dem Online Glücksspiel eine soziale Dimension hinzu und fördern ein Gefühl von Gemeinschaft und Spannung, was in der sich entwickelnden Umgebungen des iGamings immer wichtiger wird.

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Die Zukunft des Online Glücksspiels mitgestalten

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Spribe eine innovative Kraft in der iGaming-Branche ist, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, innovative Produkte zu entwickeln, die einen bedeutenden Einfluss haben. Ihr schnelles Wachstum, ihre umfangreichen Lizenzen und ihr vielfältiges Spieleportfolio spiegeln ihr Engagement für Spitzenleistungen wider.

Mit Turbo Spielen, die auf die Vorlieben der Generation Y zugeschnitten sind, einer Reihe von Poker- und Geschicklichkeitsspielen und einer beeindruckenden Reihe von Interaktions-Tools ist Spribe bereit, die Zukunft des Online Glücksspiels zu gestalten. Spribe wird auch weiterhin neue Technologien und Lösungen erforschen und verspricht eine aufregende Reise, bei der die Spielerinnen und Spieler im Mittelpunkt stehen werden.

Zahlen und Fakten

Hier findest du die 658 casinos, die nach 27019 LCB-Mitgliederstimmen zu einer Gesamtbewertung von 3 von 5 geführt haben. Insgesamt 7 Mitgliederstimmen haben eine Slot-Bewertung von 3.1 für die 1 Spiel auf LCB abgegeben.


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60 Spins


Casino Spins - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. NO US! 60 Free Spins on Big Bass Splash. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and claim the bonus code in the bonus field during registration. Max bet for the bonus: $5. Max cashout: $50. Cashable bonus: Yes. Allowed games: Slots only. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $20 (verification deposit). Need to register a credit card to claim no deposit?: No. Restricted Countries for the bonus: Brazil.    

5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Joo Casino 02/06/17

100% up to €/$1000 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Book of the Fallen (Pragmatic) (50 Free Spins per day for 2 days). Claimed money bonuses expire in 7 days and free spins bonuses expire in 3 days. Min deposit: €/$ 20. Maximum bet: €/$ 5. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$300 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. Plus 100 free spins. Min deposit: 20 €/$. The maximum bet when having an active bonus is €/$. 5 per spin or €/$. 0.5 per bet line. The following games can’t be played with bonus: All roulette games, All blackjack games, All BAccarat games, All Live games.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €200 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins. Min Deposit: €20. Max Bet: €5. Max Cashout: €2000. Free Spins are credited: 20 per day for 5 days. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 7 days.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$4000 + 150 Spins

Bonuscode: HUNTER1

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 150 Free Spins. Minimum deposit: €/$20. 

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$500

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: €/$20. Max bet: €/$5. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See the website for a list of online slots.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$750 + 100 Spins

Bonuscode: FIRST

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Book of the Fallen. Min Deposit: €/$20. Max Bet: €/$5. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 30 days.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Book of the Fallen (Pragmatic Play) in installments of 25 FS over the course of 4 days. Alternative slot: Fruit Million (BGaming).  The bonus expires in 3 days after being credited.  The offer is not available to the players residing in Finland and Sweden. Minimum deposit: 20 €/$.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$2000 + 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. PLUS 200 Free Spins on Book of Cats. Min Deposit: €/$20. Max Bet: €/$5. Max Cashout(Free Spins): €/$1000. Deposit €/$20 to get 50 Free Spins. Deposit €/$100 to get 100 Free Spins. Deposit €/$150 to get 150 Free Spins. Deposit €/$200 to get 200 Free Spins. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 7 days.

4.2 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
7Bit Casino 02/04/15

40 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB40

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
45xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 40 Free Spins on Scroll of Adventure (BGaming). Players need to register through our LINK and claim the bonus code during registration. Max cashout: €50. Max bet for the bonus: €5. Min deposit needed to cashout winnings: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 3 days. Promo offer expires: Until further notice.

4.1 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to R500000 + 100 Spins

Sign up Bonus - South Africa
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. 100 Free Spins in Elvis Frog in Vegas (Bgaming), Gates of Olympus (Pragmatic Play) . 50 spins per day for 2 days.  To get the free spins, you must wager the deposit amount x1. Min Deposit:  350 ZAR. Max Bet: 87.5 ZAR. Max Cashout: 10x Bonus. Bonus is valid for 7 days. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

4.1 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
CatCasino 16/06/21

75% up to €/$300 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 50 Free Spins on Bonanza Billion. Minimum deposit: 20 €/$. Max bet: 5 €/$ per spin or 0.5 €/$ per bet line. Max cashout: 10xbonus amount.

4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Omni Slots 03/07/15

100% up to €300 + 50 Spins

Bonuscode: 100286

Sign Up Bonus
45xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 50 Casino Spins on Starburst. Make your first deposit, Go to the Live Chat window, Type in the coupon code: "50FREE" and let them know if you want the free spins on a mobile or desktop device. Game contribution: bets placed on Table Games count for 10%, but bets placed on Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, Sic Bo do not count. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.9 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
50xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New players only - NO US! 50 free spins on Elvis Frog Trueways. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, and after the email confirmation, the bonus will be credited to the casino account. Max bet for the bonus: $5. Allowed max bet per spin? $0.1. Max cashout: $50. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $20. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. 

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

No Deposit - Casino Spins
30xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. 50 Free Spins on Taco Fury. How to claim the bonus: Players need to register through our LINK, verify their email, and activate the offer via Telegram or WhatsApp (links are located in the website's footer). Max cashout: €50. Allowed games: Slots (except the ones stated as restricted in Bonus T&Cs 10.1.10). Max bet for the bonus: €4. Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Promo offer expires: Until Further Notice. Min deposit needed to cashout winnings: Yes, €20.  Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only. Restricted countries for the bonus: Afghanistan, Cuba, Eritrea, France, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Mexico, North Korea, Sudan, Syria.

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casino Orca 04/10/24

150% up to €500

Bonuscode: LCB150

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
5xd - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link, verify email, go to the bonus section, enter the bonus code and make the deposit. WR: 0x (Please note: To make a withdrawal, the player must make a deposit and wager at least 5 times the deposit amount).  Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: 5x deposit. Max bet: €3. Restricted games: Available on the Bonus T&Cs page. Game contributions towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100%; Live Games, Jackpot Games, Sportsbook, and Table Games - 0%. Cashable bonus: Yes.  Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Exclusive promo valid: 31st December 2025.  

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €200 + 50 Spins

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+Plus 50 Free Spins. Deposits made using Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Skrill or Skrill 1-Tap do not qualify as Welcome Package deposits.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$100

Bonuscode: WELCOME

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: €/$10. Max bet: €/$3. For players from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland the wager is 50 times of the bonus amount. Bonus can be wagered at any video slots except any Jackpot slots and Mega Joker, Jackpot 6000, Jackpot Jester, Max Quest: Wrath of Ra, Jokerizer, The Dark Joker Rizes, Wicked Circus, Bonanza Megaways, Jammin' Jars, Scudamore's Super Stakes, Beautiful Bones, Opal Fruits, Extra Chilli, White Rabbit, Mystery Joker 6000, Royal Mint, Dog House, Fruity Beats Xtreme,

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

125% up to €/$1000

Bonuscode: LCB

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
30x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Players need to sign up through our LINK, make at least a minimum deposit, go to the bonus page, enter the code LCB and activate the bonus. Minimum deposit: $/€/$20. Max cashout: No. Max bet amount: $/€/$20. Exclusive Promo Expires: Until further notice. 

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

150% up to €/$500

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Min Deposit: €20. Max Bet: €3. Max Cashout: €2000. Instead of Match Bonus players can also pick 50 Free Spins with no Wagering on Dragon Lore Gigarise. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. 

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

140% up to €500 + 50 Spins

Sign up Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! Plus 50 Free Spins on Big Bass Bonanza (Pragmatic Play). How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, activate this offer in the "Bonuses" section then deposit, and the bonus will be credited automatically. Min deposit: €10. Max cashout: 3 x of the bonus amount.  Allowed games: Slots (except for the games listed in Bonus T&Cs). Game contributions towards the wagering requirement: Slots 100%. Max bet for deposit bonus: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until Further Notice. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. 

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

150% up to €150

Sign Up Bonus
45xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+ . Min Deposit: €12. Max Bet: €5. 

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €500 + 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 200 Free Spins (25 per day over 8 days). Min deposit: 10 €. Max bet: 5 € or 0.5 € per line.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

20 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 20 Free Spins on Domnitors Treasure, Aloha King Elvis! or Miss Cherry Fruits Jackpot Party. Players need to register through our LINK and the offer will be automatically credited on the chosen game. Allowed countries for the bonus: Canada (except Ontario), New Zealand, Germany and Switzerland. Max cashout: $50. Restricted games: All except slot games. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots - 100%. Max bet for the bonus: $5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 1 day. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes, $5. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

Exclusive - Casino Spins
3xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! Slot: Snowing Gifts (Spinomenal). How to claim the bonus: Players need to register through our LINK, verify their email and phone number, fill out the profile details, and activate the offer in the bonus section. Max cashout: €25. Allowed games: Slots. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots - 100%. Max bet for the bonus: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Promo offer expires: Until Further Notice. Min deposit needed to cashout winnings: Yes, €10. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 50 Spins

Sign up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Plus  50 Free Spins. Min Deposit: €/$ 10. Max Bet: €/$ 5. Deposits made via Neteller or Skrill do not qualify for this promotion. Wagering  of winnings from free spins is 40x. Validity of the bonus is 7 days. The wagering must be completed within 14 days. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

150% up to €10000

Bonuscode: LCB100

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.  T&C’s Apply. 19+. Players need to sign up from our link and enter the code after making a deposit. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: €10000. Max bet: No. Exclusive promo valid: Until Further Notice.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €1000 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. PLUS 50 Free Spins. Min Deposit: €10. Max Bet: €5. Wr(Free Spins): 40x. Cashable Bonus. Deposits made via Neteller or Skrill do not qualify for this promotion. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 14 days.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to €300

Bonuscode: LCB200

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link and after depositing, redeem via code in the bonus section. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: 10x deposit amount. Max bet: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Exclusive promo valid: Until further Notice. Allowed countries for the bonus: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada (except Ontario).

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to C$2250 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Canada
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly.  PLUS  100 Free Spins on Bonanza Billion. Minimum deposit CAD10. Deposits made via Neteller, Volt or Skrill do not qualify for this promotion.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casilando 18/04/17

50 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  50 Free Spins on 'Book of Dead' by Play'n GO. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and the free spins will be immediately available. Max Cashout: €100. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 10 days. Allowed game: Book of Dead. Allowed max bet per spin: €5. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes - €10. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit? No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version? No. Is No deposit available on mobile? Yes. Promo valid until: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Peru, United Kingdom, Ontario, CA.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 300 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 300 Free Spins. Minimum deposit: USD/EUR20. Max Cashout: 10,000€.  Max bet: USD/EUR 2. The validity of the bonus is 14 days.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

250% up to €500 + 15 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB25

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xd - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. NO US! Plus 15 free spins. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, go to the cashier and claim the code when depositing. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout for Match Bonus: €1000. Max cashout for Free Spins: €50. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
MoiCasino 30/09/21

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 10€. The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill Wallet, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. The wagering requirement must be completed within 3 Days. Max cashout 10000€

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to zł1000

Sign up Bonus - Poland
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 500 zł. Max Cashout: 10 000 zł. Until the wagering requirement is met, the bonus funds will be locked. Wagering requirements need to be fulfilled within 3 days. The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. Players can make more than one deposit to complete the wagering requirement. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. Max cashout 50000 zł

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €200 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
45xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Dazzling Crown (Endorphina). Min Deposit: €10. Max Bet: €10. No Max Cashout. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

150% up to €500

Sign Up Bonus
45xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. 

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly.  The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill Wallet, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. Until the wagering requirement is met, the bonus funds will be locked. Max cashout: €10,000. The wagering requirement to release the bonus funds must be completed within 3 Days.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €1000 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 50 Free Spins on Bonanza Billion. Minimum deposit: €10.  Max bet: €5. Deposits made via Neteller or Skrill do not qualify for this promotion.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
LOKI Casino 12/12/16

125% up to €2000 + 100 Spins

Bonuscode: LOKIFTD

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on  Fortune Three (GAMEBEAT), (20 Free Spins daily, for 5 days).  Min deposit: 30 €/$.  Max Bet: 6.5 €/$.  Max Cashout: €6000. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

10 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! 10 free spins on Wilds of Fortune. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, go to the Bonus Page, enter the bonus code and click Redeem. Max cashout: €200. Max bet for the bonus: €5. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 72 hours. Promo offer valid: Until Further Notice. Minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: €10. Is the No deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant play version. Is the No deposit available on mobile: Yes.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$200 + 100 Spins

Bonuscode: 100850

Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. The minimum deposit to receive the Bonus and Free Spins is €10 (or the equivalent in any other available currency). The Bonus offer is 100% of your deposit up to €200 (or the equivalent in any other available currency). The Wagering Requirement for the first deposit Bonus is twenty-five times (25x) the Bonus amount + twenty-five times (25x) the deposit amount. Your Free Spins will be awarded instantly and will be valid for 1 week. Wins derived from bets made with Free Spins are bound by a forty-five times (45x) Wagering Requirement. Your deposited balance and cash winnings related to the deposited balance are not restricted by the WR, and therefore can always be paid out.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
HeyCasino 19/09/23

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C's apply. 18+. The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill Wallet, Neteller or Paysafe deposits.  Minimum deposit: €10. Max cash out: €2,000. The wagering requirement to release the bonus funds must be completed within 3 Days.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to $5000

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly.  Max bet: $2.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB_FS50

Casino Spins - Exclusive
30xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USA OK! 50 Free Spins on 'Burning Chilli X', 'Fruit Million', 'Gold Rush With Johnny Cash'. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, and input the promo code before making a deposit. Bonus code: LCB_FS50. Max cashout: $50. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses? - $5. Allowed games: Slots, Video Poker. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: 100% Slots, 20% Video Poker, 0% All other games bets toward wagering. Minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: Yes - $10. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the no deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant play version only. Is the no deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for the bonus: Visit site for list.

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

175% up to $300 + 150 Spins

Bonuscode: LUCKYLCB

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
30x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. No US! How to claim the bonus: Players need to register through our LINK, make their first deposit and provide the bonus code to the Live Chat Support to claim spins. Minimum deposit: $20. Max cashout: 10xdeposit. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots: 100%. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires:  Until further notice.

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €500 + 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 200 Free Spins on Book of Dead. Minimum deposit: €20. Min Deposit(Free Spins): €30. Max bet: €5. Max Cashout: 5000. Max Cashout(Free Spins): €200.  Cashable Bonus. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 7 days.

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to Mex$2000 + 100 Spins

Sign up Bonus - Mexico
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 100 Free Spins on  Book of Cats, Johnny Cash or Avalon: the lost kingdom. (20 free spins per day during 5 days). Min deposit: MX$400. Max bet: MX$100.  2nd deposit: 50% up to MX$4,000 + 50 Free Spins. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots. 

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
FatBoss 16/10/19

150% up to €100

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
30x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 150% up to 100 EUR/ 7000 RUB. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and the bonus will be added automatically upon making the minimum deposit. Min deposit: 10 EUR/ 700 RUB (Please note: Players from Germany depositing with Neteller or Skrill do not qualify for the welcome bonus.). No max cashout. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice. Restricted games: Koi Princess, Double Dragons, Kings of Chicago, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Blood Suckers, Game of Thrones (15 lines), Spring Break, Ladies Nite, Eye of the Kraken, Tower Quest, Lucky Angler, Big Bang, The Wish Master, Scrooge, Devil’s Delight, Champion of the Track, Robin Hood – Shifting Riches, Pearls of India, Royal Masquerade, Tomb Raider 2, Castle Builder, Untamed Bengal Tiger, Untamed Giant Panda, Untamed Wolf Pack and Untamed Crowned Eagle. Restricted countries from the bonus: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Norway, The Netherland Antilles, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, The United Kingdom and U.S.A.

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

125% up to €/$1500 + 100 Spins

Bonuscode: KOSMO1

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 100 Free Spins on  Fire Joker (Play’n’Go) or Elvis Frog in Vegas (BGaming) or Aztec Magic Deluxe (BGaming). Min deposit: 20 €/$.  Max Bet: €/$5. Max Cashout: x5 of the bonus amount, up to 7500 EUR / 7500 USD. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See the website for a list of online slots.

3.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
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