Neon Valley Studios

Neon Valley Studios gehört zu den unabhängigen Spielentwicklern, die Microgaming für exklusive Kooperationen gewonnen hat. Hier kannst du erfahren, in welchen Casinos du Spiele von neon Valley um echtes Geld spielen kannst.
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Neon Valley gehört zu den neuesten Anbietern, die Microgaming in seine umfangreiche Liste von Partnern aufgenommen hat, mit denen der Hersteller Kooperationen eingeht, um besonders vielfältige Spielautomaten auf dem Markt zu platzieren. Die Idee dahinter ist es, die Magie von Las Vegas zu transportieren, indem die unabhängigen Studios facettenreiche Ergänzungen zur riesigen Spieleplattform von Microgaming liefern.

Das Studio hat bereits seinen ersten Slot auf den Markt gebracht- Aurora Wilds. Dabei handelt es sich um eine perfekte Kombination aus hervorragender Grafik und großer Dynamik. Das Gewinnpotenzial ist gigantisch und soll die Anforderungen der verschiedenen Verbraucherprofile auf dem Casinomarkt gerecht wird.

Da das Studio noch ganz neu am Markt ist…

verfügt auch seine Website nur über ganz grundlegende Informationen, die sich auf ihre Mission, die Vision und die ersten Schritte des des Studios beziehen.

Neon Valley Studios

Ein Hauch von Las Vegas

Wenn man sich überlegt, was wohl die Inspiration zu dem Namen dieses Unternehmens gewesen sein könnte, denkt man entweder an eine Electro-Dance-Band oder ein Videospiel. Vielleicht ist es aber auch keines von beidem – aber wir machen uns nun mal zu gern Gedanken zum Namen.

In Anbetracht der Startseite der Unternehmens-Website fanden sie auf jeden Fall Las Vegas besonders inspirierend für ihre Philosophie. Um den diesen Geist von Las Vegas auch an Kunden zu vermitteln, die noch nicht da waren, ist das junge Team bestrebt, innovative und frische Inhalte zu erstellen, die die Erfahrung der Spieler verbessern.

Der unabhängige Hersteller möchte gerne Inhalte produzieren, die…


…von höchster Qualität sind. Das Studio bringt vielfältiges Wissen über Slot-Design mit und betreibt die synergistische Integration von Spielmechanik, Visuals und modernster Technologie. So möchte man einen ganz einzigartigen Ansatz am Martk profilieren.

Die große Leidenschaft für ihre Spiele und die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen sind bereits in ihrem ersten Spiel zu spüren: Aurora Wilds.

Trends folgen, Innovationen liefern

Das Team kombiniert die Energie und raue Schönheit der Mojave-Wüste mit den hellen Lichtern und Geräuschen der Fremont Street und liefert damit ein sehr unterhaltsames Automatenspiel.

Das Studio besteht aus einem Team voller…

…hochqualifizierter und gut ausgebildeten Fachleuten aus der Spielebranche. Dank ihrer Exzellenz und der reichhaltigen Erfahrung in der Branche haben sie große Chancen, dass das Unternehmen ein satter Erfolg wird.

Wie das Team selbst erklärt:

“Wir sind immer am Puls der Zeit und arbeiten als Einheit daran, innovative, bahnbrechende und hochmoderne Spiele schnell und zielgerichtet zu entwickeln.”

Das sollte eigentlich der Ansatzpunkt für alle Akteure in der Branche sein: Den Finger immer am Puls der Zeit. Nur wenn man über alle Trends, Ansprüche und Innovationen auf dem Laufenden ist, können Unternehmen im überlaufenen Glücksspieluniversum sichtbarbleiben und für ihre Kunden attraktiv bleiben.

Microgaming  erkannte den besonderen Wert der einzigartigen Inhalte solcher unabhängiger Marken und begann mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten.

Strategische Kooperation mit dem Marktführer

Strategic Agreement with Industry’s GiantObwohl er zu den Pionieren der Branche gehört, überrascht Microgaming seine Kunden immer wieder mit bahnbrechenden Innovationen und neuen Kooperationen. Das neu gebildete Netzwerk unabhängiger Spieleentwicklungsstudios expandiert immer weiter und versammelt kreative Partner, die gemeinsam Inhalte produzieren.

Neben Neon Valleys, die zuletzt beigetreten sind, enthält die Liste bislang:

  • Gameburger
  • Pulse 8
  • All41
  • Switch Studios
  • Fortune Factory
  • Stormcraft
  • Triple Edge

Jedes dieser Studios hat einen einzigartigen und kreativen Ansatz, der die Spiele in jeder Hinsicht unverwechselbar macht und damit für eine Partnerschaft besonders wertvoll macht. Die Kooperation mit dem großen Namen hat viele gegenseitige Vorteile, wobei die Gewinnung neuer Kunden für die kleinen Studios am wichtigsten ist.

Mit seinem ganz besonderen Ansatz…

…und dem über Jahre aufgebauten kollektivem Branchenwissen und der besonderen Professionalität wird Neon das beeindruckende Portfolio von Microgaming weiter diversifizieren. Damit reihen sie sich ein in die Liste der anderen unabhängigen Marken, die eine solche Kooperation eingegangen sind. Diese Vereinbarung ist nicht nur eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit für die kleinen Studios schneller sichtbar zu werden, sondern erweitert auch die Angebot der Spiele von Microgaming.

 Neon über einen unverwechselbaren Stil und Persönlichkeit verfüge und viel Wissen und Erfahrung, mitbringe. Das seien mehr als genug Gründe, um mit der neuen Marke zusammenzuarbeiten und ihre Inhalte in die Spiele-Suite aufzunehmen.

Die wunderbaren Nordlichter

Voller Vorfreude auf das erste Spiel, das im Rahmen der Kooperation geschaffen wurde…

…kündigte Neon das erste Spiel an - Aurora Wilds. Damit wollen sie den atemberaubenden Naturphänomenen huldigen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Spiel, das exzellentes Gameplay und hochwertiges Design miteinander verbindet.

Hoch über dem schimmernden Nachthimmel, weckt der Online-Slot mit fünf Walzen und 10 Gewinnlinien Erinnerungen an die Welt des pazifischen Nordwestens. Im Spiel finden sich majestätische Totemtiere und viele schöne Details, die die schönen Phänomene der Nordlichter in ihrer schönsten Form darstellen.

Das Spiel will die wunderschöne Atmosphäre der Nordlichter so atmosphärisch wie möglich widerspiegeln…

… und wird dabei von einem mystischen Soundtrack begleitet. Die Melodie ist eine großartige Ergänzung zum gesamten Gameplay und wird in dem Moment, in dem drei Scatter-Symbole landen, um das Jackpot Wheel auszulösen, besonders intensiv. Das Feature hat ein hohes Potenzial, einen von vier garantiert Jackpots von bis zu 2.000x den Einsatz des Spiels, auszulösen. Da das Spiel in beiden Richtungen spielbar ist, ist das Gewinnpotenzial noch größer.

Bezüglich der Features…

The Wonderful Northern Lights…es gibt es auch hier die obligatorischen Wild-Symbole, die auf der zweiten, dritten oder vierten Rolle erscheinen können. Wenn dieses Symbol landen, weiten sie sich auf die gesamte Rolle aus, rasten ein und vergeben einen Respin. Falls während des Features weitere Wildnisse landen, können sich bis zu drei aufeinanderfolgende Respins ergeben.

Das Spiel bietet also für jeden etwas…

…sowohl für Anfänger als auch für regelmäßige Spieler. Der Titel ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle, die ein optisch ansprechendes Spiel, die hochmoderner Technik und ein dynamisches Gameplay wollen, da es alle dafür notwendigen Zutaten enthält.

Auch wenn der Hersteller bisher nur einen einzigen Titel herausgebracht hat, kann man schon deutlich erkennen, dass hier viel Wert auf Details gelegt wird. Die Produkte sind mit viel Aufwand hergestellt und die Zusammenarbeit mit dem größten Studio der Branche beweist, dass die Marke einiges zu bieten hat. So bleibt es spannend, was es bei den kommenden Titeln noch alles zu entdecken gilt.

Zahlen und Fakten

Neon Valley Studios ist einer der weltweit am häufigsten genutzten Anbieter von Online-Software. Das ist nicht verwunderlich, aber wusstest du, dass es 18 Casinos mit diesen Spielen gibt, die hier auf LCB aufgelistet sind? Nach mehr als 5760 Stimmen haben diese Anbieter eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 3,6 von 5 erhalten, was sie zu einer der bevorzugten in der Branche macht. Weitere 4 Stimmen unserer Mitglieder haben den 1 Slot, den wir begutachtet haben, eine durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 2,4 zugesprochen.

Zahlen und Fakten

Hier findest du die 847 casinos, die nach 65666 LCB-Mitgliederstimmen zu einer Gesamtbewertung von 2.9 von 5 geführt haben. Insgesamt 49 Mitgliederstimmen haben eine Slot-Bewertung von 2.8 für die 6 Spiele auf LCB abgegeben.


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Joo Casino 02/06/17

100% up to €/$1000 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Book of the Fallen (Pragmatic) (50 Free Spins per day for 2 days). Claimed money bonuses expire in 7 days and free spins bonuses expire in 3 days. Min deposit: €/$ 20. Maximum bet: €/$ 5. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$300 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. Plus 100 free spins. Min deposit: 20 €/$. The maximum bet when having an active bonus is €/$. 5 per spin or €/$. 0.5 per bet line. The following games can’t be played with bonus: All roulette games, All blackjack games, All BAccarat games, All Live games.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Wisho 05/03/21

200 Spins

Sign up Bonus - Finland
25xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: € 20. The Max Bet: 5€. 2nd deposit: 150 Free Spins.

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$4000 + 150 Spins

Bonuscode: HUNTER1

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 150 Free Spins. Minimum deposit: €/$20. 

4.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
N1 Casino 07/03/18

20 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
50xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 20 Free Spins on 'Jack and The Beanstalk' or 'Rook's Revenge'. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and go to their account, choose the tab "Bonuses", activate the bonus and choose one of the above mentioned games. The free spins will be added to their chosen game. Max cashout: 50.00 EUR, 50.00 USD, 3,000.00 RUB, 500.00 NOK, and 75.00 CAD. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 7 days. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice. If free spins what is the allowed max bet per spin: 5 EUR. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes; EUR 20/ USD 20/ 1500 RUB/ 200 NOK/ 30 CAD. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes, after the wagering has been completed. Is No deposit available on download &/or instant play version: Instant version only. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries from this bonus: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameron, Cambodia, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Ecuador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Guinea - Bissau, Guyana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Of, Lesotho, Liberia, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Moldova Repulic of, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine State of, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, South Sudan, Sudan, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Tanzania, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$500

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: €/$20. Max bet: €/$5. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See the website for a list of online slots.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on Book of the Fallen (Pragmatic Play) in installments of 25 FS over the course of 4 days. Alternative slot: Fruit Million (BGaming).  The bonus expires in 3 days after being credited.  The offer is not available to the players residing in Finland and Sweden. Minimum deposit: 20 €/$.

4.3 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$2000 + 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. PLUS 200 Free Spins on Book of Cats. Min Deposit: €/$20. Max Bet: €/$5. Max Cashout(Free Spins): €/$1000. Deposit €/$20 to get 50 Free Spins. Deposit €/$100 to get 100 Free Spins. Deposit €/$150 to get 150 Free Spins. Deposit €/$200 to get 200 Free Spins. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 7 days.

4.2 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
7Bit Casino 02/04/15

40 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB40

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
45xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 40 Free Spins on Scroll of Adventure (BGaming). Players need to register through our LINK and claim the bonus code during registration. Max cashout: €50. Max bet for the bonus: €5. Min deposit needed to cashout winnings: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 3 days. Promo offer expires: Until further notice.

4.1 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

St Patrick's Day Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! 50 Free Spins on Charms and Treasures. How to claim the bonus: Players who deposited in the last 30 days will get the bonus automatically once they login into their account. The offer will be announced by a popup on the site and accompanied by an email. Max cashout: €50. Max bet: €5. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: €10. Expiry date for exclusive bonus: 31st March, 2025.

4.1 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to C$200

Sign Up Bonus - Canada
30x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Offer valid on first deposit only to new players who must deposit a minimum of C$20. The maximum bonus amount is C$200. The Bonus is subject to a 30x wagering requirement on both deposit and bonus.

4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

30 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. T&C’s Apply. 19+. NO US! Amount: 30 Free Spins on GoldRush Frog or Beer Bonanza or AlienFruits (by Softswiss). How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link, and verify their email. Then, pop up will appear and players will need to choose the game where to play free spins. Maximum cashout: €100. Max bet: €5. Sticky bonus: Yes. Game contribution to the wagering requirement: See the forum post for more information. Kindly note:  Ninja, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Devil's Delight, The Wish Master, Dead or Alive, Pimped, Stardust, Pinocchio Vampire: The Masquerade - Las Vegas and Jackpot Games are not able to be played with bonus money. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 1 day. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings? €20. Is the bonus cashable? Yes. 

3.9 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 300 Spins

Bonuscode: CROWN1

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 300 Free Spins. Free spins will be given within 10 days starting from the day you activate the bonus, 30 free spins per day.  Minimum deposit: 30€/$. Max bet: 1 €/$. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for a list of online slots.

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
50xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New players only - NO US! 50 free spins on Elvis Frog Trueways. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, and after the email confirmation, the bonus will be credited to the casino account. Max bet for the bonus: $5. Allowed max bet per spin? $0.1. Max cashout: $50. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $20. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. 

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €2500

Sign Up Bonus
50xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. All bonuses that are part of the welcome package are valid for 7 days. 2nd deposit: 75% up to 1500 €. 3rd deposit: 50% up to 1000 €.

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

50 Spins

No Deposit - Casino Spins
30xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. 50 Free Spins on Taco Fury. How to claim the bonus: Players need to register through our LINK, verify their email, and activate the offer via Telegram or WhatsApp (links are located in the website's footer). Max cashout: €50. Allowed games: Slots (except the ones stated as restricted in Bonus T&Cs 10.1.10). Max bet for the bonus: €4. Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Promo offer expires: Until Further Notice. Min deposit needed to cashout winnings: Yes, €20.  Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play only. Restricted countries for the bonus: Afghanistan, Cuba, Eritrea, France, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Mexico, North Korea, Sudan, Syria.

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casino Orca 04/10/24

150% up to €500

Bonuscode: LCB150

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
5xd - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link, verify email, go to the bonus section, enter the bonus code and make the deposit. WR: 0x (Please note: To make a withdrawal, the player must make a deposit and wager at least 5 times the deposit amount).  Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: 5x deposit. Max bet: €3. Restricted games: Available on the Bonus T&Cs page. Game contributions towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100%; Live Games, Jackpot Games, Sportsbook, and Table Games - 0%. Cashable bonus: Yes.  Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Exclusive promo valid: 31st December 2025.  

3.8 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

Up to 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Peru
5xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+.  The maximum value of the welcome bonus to receive in Casino is S/1,000 and in Live Casino is S/1,000. • Earn 10 free spins if you deposit between S/50-99. Earn 30 free spins if you deposit between S/100-199; Earn 50 free spins if you deposit between S/200-499; Earn 100 free spins if you deposit between S/500-999; Earn 200 free spins if you deposit from S/1,000.  The bonus money received from Casino can only be used on Casino slots. The winnings from the free spins have a x5 rollover and 3 days to be completed before the generated winnings can be withdrawn.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

1 Spins

1 free chance to become a Mega Vault Millionaire™
200xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  1 free chance to become a Mega Vault Millionaire™. If a player has chosen the 1 free chance option, the chance will be awarded on registration and will be credited as $/€0.25 bonus, which may be used to place 1 $€0.25 bet on the progressive jackpot slot game. If the player has chosen to take the additional 40 chances, 1 free chance will be credited on registration and the 40 chances will be awarded after the first deposit of $€1. The 40 chances will be credited as a $€10.00 bonus, which may be used to place 40 $€0.25 bets on the progressive jackpot slot game. The minimum first deposit is $€1. The minimum for all subsequent deposits is $€10. OR for only €1 you can unlock 40 extra chances right away. That’s 40 PLUS 1 spin to become our next instant millionaire. The first deposit bonus and second deposit bonus are subject to 200 times play-through before your bonus balance is converted to cash. Once bonus funds have been converted to cash, these funds may be withdrawn.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

11 Spins

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus - Casino Spins
1xd - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit €/$ 10. Account balance is withdrawable at any time upon withdrawal, any remaining bonus funds are forfeited. 7 days to activate the spins. Bonus spins expire 24 hours after activation. Slot: Starburst. Deposit must be wagered at least once before the player is able to withdraw any balance.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
LeoVegas 13/02/12

100% up to C$1000 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Canada
35xd - Mindestumsatz
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. PLUS up to 100  Free Spins on Gates of Olympus. 20 Spins per day for 5 consecutive days. Min Deposit: 20 CAD. Min Deposit to get Free Spins: 50 CAD. Free Spins must be used within 3 days. Different games count differently towards  the bonus's wagering requirement: See the website for more wagering information. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casumo 26/02/13

100% up to €/$300 + 20 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  The welcomone offer contains 20 Bonus Spins on Book of Dead and 100% bonus (up to €300). Bonuses must be wagered 30 times. Play responsibly.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €50

Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Min deposit: €10. The maximum  bet: €5. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots. 

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €200 + 50 Spins

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+Plus 50 Free Spins. Deposits made using Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, Skrill or Skrill 1-Tap do not qualify as Welcome Package deposits.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$100

Bonuscode: WELCOME

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: €/$10. Max bet: €/$3. For players from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland the wager is 50 times of the bonus amount. Bonus can be wagered at any video slots except any Jackpot slots and Mega Joker, Jackpot 6000, Jackpot Jester, Max Quest: Wrath of Ra, Jokerizer, The Dark Joker Rizes, Wicked Circus, Bonanza Megaways, Jammin' Jars, Scudamore's Super Stakes, Beautiful Bones, Opal Fruits, Extra Chilli, White Rabbit, Mystery Joker 6000, Royal Mint, Dog House, Fruity Beats Xtreme,

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casiplay 22/01/19

100% up to €/$200 + 30 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 30 Extra Spins. Min deposit: 20 €. Unused spins expire 24hrs after being issued. The “Welcome bonus” must be wagered at within 21 days of being credited to your account.

3.7 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
BetChain 29/07/15

25 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New players only. T&C Apply. 18+. 25 free spins on Elvis Frog in Vegas or Four Lucky Clover BGaming. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, click on ‘My Account’ then ‘Bonuses’ and activate the free spins. Max cashout: 30.00 EUR and equivalent to other currencies. Restricted countries from this bonus: Afghanistan (AF), Albania (AL), Armenia (AM), Algeria (DZ), Angola (AO), Cambodia (KH), Czechia (CZ), Ecuador (EC), Guyana (GY), Hong Kong (HK), Ecuador (EC), Estonia (EE), Spain (ES), Finland (FI) Indonesia (ID), Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR), Iraq (IQ), Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (KP), Korea, Republic of (KR), Kuwait (KW), Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA), Mexico (MX), Myanmar, Namibia (NA), Nicaragua (NI), Pakistan (PK), Panama (PA), Papua New Guinea (PG), Philippines, Poland (PL), Singapore (SG), Sudan (SD), Syrian Arab Republic (SY), Taiwan (TW), Philippines, Romania (RO), Serbia (RS), Sweden (SE), United States (US), Uganda (UG), Yemen (YE), Zimbabwe (ZW), Netherlands (NL), Turkey (TR), and South Africa (ZA). Once credited when does the bonus expire: 1 week. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. The allowed max bet per spin: .009 BTC. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

140% up to €500 + 50 Spins

Sign up Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! Plus 50 Free Spins on Big Bass Bonanza (Pragmatic Play). How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, activate this offer in the "Bonuses" section then deposit, and the bonus will be credited automatically. Min deposit: €10. Max cashout: 3 x of the bonus amount.  Allowed games: Slots (except for the games listed in Bonus T&Cs). Game contributions towards the wagering requirement: Slots 100%. Max bet for deposit bonus: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until Further Notice. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. 

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €500 + 200 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 200 Free Spins (25 per day over 8 days). Min deposit: 10 €. Max bet: 5 € or 0.5 € per line.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to €300

Bonuscode: LCB200

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our link and after depositing, redeem via code in the bonus section. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: 10x deposit amount. Max bet: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Exclusive promo valid: Until further Notice. Allowed countries for the bonus: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada (except Ontario).

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to C$2250 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Canada
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly.  PLUS  100 Free Spins on Bonanza Billion. Minimum deposit CAD10. Deposits made via Neteller, Volt or Skrill do not qualify for this promotion.

3.6 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

80 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
200xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. 80 chances to win massive jackpots will be awarded on first deposit as free spins on the game, Mega Money Wheel, valued at $0.10 per spin. The minimum first deposit is $1. Winnings from the Mega Money Wheel free spins will be credited as bonus funds to the Player's Casino account. This promotion must be claimed by making a first deposit within 7 days, after which Zodiac Casino reserves the right to modify the promotion.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

500% up to €50

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Deposit €10 and get €60 to play for in a Casino, Live Casino or Sports.  Bets placed on Live Casino games contribute 10% to the bonus wagering requirements. . See the full list of allowed live games on their website. Game contribution: Blackjack Free Bet  40%. 

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$200

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 1st deposit bonus: 100% up to €200. 2nd deposit bonus: 50% up to €200. Offers not available for any deposits thereafter. Opt-in by choosing the Welcome Bonus and Reload Bonus tabs respectively, before making your deposits, otherwise select "NO BONUS". Valid 30 days. Wager 1st (deposit+bonus) 25x; 2nd (deposit+bonus) 30x on eligible slots. Max bet €5.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to R1000

Sign Up Bonus - South Africa
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  No max cash out. Wagering is 40x bonus. Eligibility is restriced for a suspected abuse. Skrill and Neteller deposits excluded.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to kr1000

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus - Sweden
35x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
18+. T&C's Apply. Spela ansvarsfullt. Regler & Villkor gäller. Min deposit 100 kr. 100% up to 1000 kr, 35x wager on both deposit and bonus. Max bet: 50 kr. Bonus will expire after 60 days. Full bonus terms. Play responsibly. 

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Casilando 18/04/17

50 Spins

Casino Spins - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  50 Free Spins on 'Book of Dead' by Play'n GO. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and the free spins will be immediately available. Max Cashout: €100. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 10 days. Allowed game: Book of Dead. Allowed max bet per spin: €5. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes - €10. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit? No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version? No. Is No deposit available on mobile? Yes. Promo valid until: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Peru, United Kingdom, Ontario, CA.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$500 + 200 Spins

Bonuscode: GUNS1

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Plus 200 Free Spins. Minimum deposit: 20 €/$. Max bet: 1 €/$. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

150% up to €500 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
20x(b+d) - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 150% up to 500 EUR plus 50 Free Spins on "Book of Dead". How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, make at least a minimum deposit and the bonus will be added automatically. Minimum deposit = 10 EUR. Max cashout: No max cashout. Cashable bonus: Yes. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice. Game contribution towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100% (Please note, the following slot games do not contribute towards wagering requirement:  5 Lions, 5 Lions Gold, Ankh of Anubis, Betina Bingo, Black Mamba, Big Bad Wolf, Blood Suckers, Castle Builder, Castle Builder 2, Celebration of Wealth, Coins of Egypt, Cowboys Gold, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dazzle Me , Dead or Alive, Dead or Alive 2, Demolition Squad, Deuces Wild, Devil's Delight, Diamond Vortex, Doom of Egypt, Eggomatic, Feline Fury, Forsaken Kingdom, Fruit Shop, Fruit Shop Christmas Edition, Gold Volcano, Gonzo's Quest Megaways, Greek Gods, Guns N' Roses, Hercules and Pegasus, Holiday Season, Honey Rush, Hook's Heroes, Hope Diamond, House of Doom, Hugo 2, Immortal Romance, Jackhammer 2, Jimi Hendrix, Jungle Spirit, Koi Princess, Legacy of Dead, Legacy of Egypt, Leprechaun Riches, Lost Relics, Lucky Angler, Max Damage Slot, Money Train 2, Moon Princess, Perfect Gems, Pimped, Planet Fortune, Rainforest Magic,Rainforest Magic Bingo, Reactoonz, Reactoonz 2, Riches of Robin, Rise of Merlin, Rise of Olympus, Robin Hood - Shifting Riches, Royal Masquerade, Safari King, Sahara Nights, Scrooge, Secret of the Stones, Secrets of Atlantis, Simsalabim, Solar Queen, Sweet Bonanza, Temple of Wealth, The Dog House, The True Sheriff, Victorious, Wild O' Clock, Wild Wild Riches, Zombies, Chaos Crew.); Classic Slots - 75%; Live Casino - 0%; Table Games - 0%; Video Poker - 0%.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$1000 + 300 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 300 Free Spins. Minimum deposit: USD/EUR20. Max Cashout: 10,000€.  Max bet: USD/EUR 2. The validity of the bonus is 14 days.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

250% up to €500 + 15 Spins

Bonuscode: LCB25

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xd - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. NO US! Plus 15 free spins. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, go to the cashier and claim the code when depositing. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout for Match Bonus: €1000. Max cashout for Free Spins: €50. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
NineCasino 14/08/21

200% up to €300

Bonuscode: LCB200

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
35xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.  T&C’s Apply. 19+. No US! Players need to sign up from our link and after depositing, redeem via code in the bonus section. Minimum deposit: €20. Max cashout: 10x deposit amount. Max bet: €5. Cashable bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Exclusive promo valid: Until further Notice. Allowed countries for the bonus: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada (except Ontario).

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
MoiCasino 30/09/21

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 10€. The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill Wallet, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. The wagering requirement must be completed within 3 Days. Max cashout 10000€

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to zł1000

Sign up Bonus - Poland
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 500 zł. Max Cashout: 10 000 zł. Until the wagering requirement is met, the bonus funds will be locked. Wagering requirements need to be fulfilled within 3 days. The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. Players can make more than one deposit to complete the wagering requirement. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. Max cashout 50000 zł

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

30 Spins

Bonuscode: LCBCROWN

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
70xb - Mindestumsatz
Exklusiver Bonus - Details lesen
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. No US! 30 Free Spins on Royal Chip (Gamzix). How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, verify their email, and enter the code in the appropriate section. The bonus will be credited automatically. Max cashout: €50. Max bet for the bonus: €1. Minimum deposit needed to verify a payment method: €10. Promo offer valid: 10th April 2025.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

100% up to €/$200 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
60xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: €$20. Max Bet: €$5. Plus 100 Free Spins. The 100 free spins will be issued daily, 20 free spins per day (5 days in a row). Wagering requirements for the welcome bonus should be completed in 2 days.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly.  The welcome offer is not valid for Skrill Wallet, Neteller or Paysafe deposits. Until the wagering requirement is met, the bonus funds will be locked. Max cashout: €10,000. The wagering requirement to release the bonus funds must be completed within 3 Days.

3.5 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
Oshi Casino 12/04/16

100% up to AU$1500 + 150 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
45xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 150 Free Spins. Minimum Deposit: $30. Max Bet: $75. Max Cashout: $7,500. Free spins from first/second/third/fourth deposit bonuses will be added in packs (50 free spins per day). Free spins will be added in Aztec Magic Deluxe, Gemhalla, Wild Cash , Elvis Frog in Vegas, Wolf Spins 243, Werewolf's Night, Book of All Ways, Hold the Gold. Free spins will be added in packs. 50 free spins will be added right after a deposit. Log back in for the next 2 days and activate 50 free spins each day!
Bonus duration is 5 days. Free spin activation duration is 1 day, free spins duration and free spins result duration are 5 days. Wager is x45.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
LOKI Casino 12/12/16

125% up to €2000 + 100 Spins

Bonuscode: LOKIFTD

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Mindestumsatz
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 100 Free Spins on  Fortune Three (GAMEBEAT), (20 Free Spins daily, for 5 days).  Min deposit: 30 €/$.  Max Bet: 6.5 €/$.  Max Cashout: €6000. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.4 / 5 Bewertung

mehrweniger SPIELEN
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