Hi, Bboy Elon!
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I will disagree. The last 2 Bitcoin withdrawals were a nightmare. From the day request to received 35-38 days for the 2 withdrawal. 1 had been approved for 3 weeks before I received. Multiple Bitcoin...
RAGING BULL SLOTS Support- und Beschwerde-Thread
Before I reached out to SOV, RB and Cool Cats I did search this site to see if anyone else has had the issue with Coindraw. I came across the Casino Rep- NickHelp's reply to some on that a player's...
RAGING BULL SLOTS Support- und Beschwerde-Thread
I probably should've included my mini book. I'll add that for sometime I've been a Level 5 VIP. This morning that too went away supposedly because my profit/loss was +$17. Ive play regularly/daily...
RAGING BULL SLOTS Support- und Beschwerde-Thread
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