Philadelphia Phillies fan Susan Finklestein wanted World Series tickets bad.....REAL BAD!
the 43-year-old suburban Philadelphia woman posted an ad on the Web site Craigslist in which she described herself as a "gorgeous, tall, buxom blonde diehard Phillies fan" desperately seeking Series tickets.
And what did she plan to do to get those tickets you are probably asking right about now?
Well, Craigslist should provide a hint.
Her ad, according to police, suggested she'd offer something extra. "I'm the creative type! Maybe we can help each other!"
The price was apparently negotiable.
What sealed the deal was when an undercover officer responded to the digital ad, and Finkelstein allegedly offered to perform various sex acts in exchange for the coveted tickets. Police did not say precisely what this Phillies fanatic was willing to do to see her beloved team play the Yankees.
No, Finkelstein didn't get the tickets. Instead, she was arrested and charged with prostitution, according to the local CBS affiliate.
Fan der Philadelphia Phillies bietet Sex für World-Series-Tickets an ... Pleite!
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