Hi gang:
Definition of Hoopty:
Basically, a piece of sh## car. Usually cheap and/or broken down. Can be any size, make or model, but must (or should) be embarrassing to drive for some reason.
I was just thinking back to a few of my old cars I have owned. Oh I have owned my share of Hooptys.
The last one I owned I just unloaded a few months ago. It was a 93 Ford Explorer (Exploder) It had 243,000 miles on it. They were not all my miles mind you, but many many were.
Allow me to tell you a little about this vehicle.
Each morning as I went out to my vehicle I was greeted by a new puddle of both transmission fluid and oil under the truck. It leaked fluids like a collander. It was rusted all the way around the bottom, and the running boards had fallen off as well as the muffler many moons ago.
Next, I would go to start my vehicle. This would more times than not require me to have to open the hood and give it a jump. I refused to buy a new battery as the cost of it would of been more than the vehicle was worth. :-\
Okay, were in, and it's running. A little loud, but not bad, and besides, the neighbors need to get up anyways.
The interior was not too bad except for the occasional rip and numerous stains that every car gets after a certain age. What the main problem was, were the "gauges."
Long ago the check engine light came on, and had remained on for the last 150,000 miles. The seatbelt light remained on even after I buckled up. The gas gauge always read 1/2 tank, regardless of if I just filled up. ( I never did much as I was afraid it would quit on me and I would waste the gas) The temperature gauge quit working around the time the check engine light came on. The oil gauge didn't work ethier.
Down the road I go. The expressway was out of the question. If I went above 60 in this thing it shook me to pieces, and left parts of itself in the roadway.
When applying the break, it shook and wobbled upfront, with a nasty clanking noise at the end of each complete stop. I would fix this problem by turning up the radio. Can't hear anything over the radio on 10.
I was usually alone in this vehicle. NO ONE would ride with me. Besides, I was pretty much the only one who knew how to operate this thing. Step on the gas, but you have to leave your foot on the brake until just the right moment, or it may stall.
( I also noticed people in other cars around me giving me strange looks. They must of been jealous I owned such a classic. )
Hey, on a good note I never worried about anyone stealing this thing, and I could park anywhere and not worry of new dents or scratches.
Anyone else own a HOOPTY?
All in fun: PMM2008
Hoopty Ride.....
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