Bigger is not always better but for Wesley Warren Jr. of Nevada size really does matter. In what seemed like a harmless bump to his groin with his leg as he rolled over in bed ended up to be a horrible nightmare.
Shortly after Wesley's scrotum swelled up to the size of a basketball. It now weighs in at an enormous 100 pounds as a watery fluid built up around it. It is a rare condition that is hardly seen in the US with more cases reported in Asia and Africa.

He has to use a milk carton and pillow to rest his scrotum on to sit comfortably.
When he went to the doctor he was told there was a corrective surgery but with risks....
"He was telling me there was a good chance that I would be castrated and have to go to the bathroom through a tube for the rest of my life," he said. "I should be in the prime of my life right now."
UCLA Medical told him they could save his penis but the problem is that he's not covered for out of state insurance and the surgery will cost him one million dollars.
In a desperate attempt to raise money he went on the Howard Stern show and received some donations although he didn't reveal how much saying through his tears "it's a start".