Israel Police and the Tax Authority officials broke up a massive online gambling ring on Monday.s
The operation was handled jointly by the police's specialist Lahav 433 unit, Tax Authority investigators, state prosecutors, and the Israel Money Laundering Prohibition Authority.
Over 300 police officers and Tax Authority officials raided the homes of 37 suspects across the country. Dozens of gamblers were taken to police stations for questioning and tens of millions of shekels in assets seized.
Police and Tax Authority officials obtained twenty court orders prior to the raid allowing them to seize suspects' vehicles and assets, and 160 bank accounts were frozen.
The investigation began in 2008 when authorities acquired intelligence about a 38-year-old resident of Or Yehuda who operated a betting website called The site later changed its address Over a two-and-a-half year period the site raked in hundreds of millions of shekels in profits.
Israelische Polizei stoppt Internet-Glücksspiel-Operation
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