yesterday downloading games like crazy so needless to say after 3 hours i needed a potty break i get up walk maybe4 steps turn to close the door behind me both legs turned to jelly lost my footing went down on my rightanklee twisted the left and tweeked my back. So at six am on a day my daughter can sleep in we go for a ride to the hospital i ended up with morphine shots boot for right leg and because i was in so much pain 3 shots of dont throw up medicine which did not work. spazz huh guess that does fit me. My husband and daughter had a good laugh cuz i make beaded watches the kind where you can change the band any day of the week and was talking in my sleep mad as hell cuz walmart doesnt carry the beads i use. Now that was a day..... but i did get a free 20 chip from casinomoons i dont remember playing. tje SPAZZ
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