1. I got stuff to do
2. I gotta finish watching this movie
3. I'm still hungover
4. Everyone at work is a jerk
5. I need a vacation
6. I'm having a nervous breakdown
7. I can quit today and get my job back next month
8. I'm gonna start my own business today
9. He/She is only gonna be in town for 2 more days I gotta take advantage
10. I have to clean my house
1- I've got food poisoning
2- Grandma's shed caught on fire
3- I've got the runs
4- Laundry room is flooded
5- Up all night due to false fire alarm
6- Pink eye
7- In jail
8- Flat tire
9- Waiting for utilities guy
10- Doctors appointment *requires note.
1. somone tried to steal my poodle and I had to drive to carpenteria to pick him up
2. my sisters car exploded
3. my car left me stranded on the side of the road with no phone reception
4. my key broke inside the door lock and I have to wait for a locksmith
5. food poisoning (thai food, sushi, scallops, chilli fries)*
6. my friend died *use a fake name*
7. pink eye... Smoke a blunt, use eye drops in one eye, show up and be turned away
8. blew out my back, paralized from the waist down
9. pincher bug in my ear
10. I quit
These arent my lists gang, I found them, but they are good for a laugh Some of them are even worth trying. ;)
Ausreden, nicht zur Arbeit zu gehen....3 Listen, die ich gefunden habe.....
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