Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's whopping breach of marital ethics has touched off a curious ethical dilemma in the media world: In reporting the ongoing fallout from Schwarzenegger's affair with the former housekeeper who gave birth to his child, has the press unduly invaded the privacy of Schwarzenegger's one-time paramour?
Some major news organizations have exercised restraint, declining to publish the names, photos or any other revealing details about the housekeeper and her son. Others have confirmed the woman's identity, described her home, and splashed her image across TV screens, front pages and web browsers. At its most lurid, the coverage seems akin to stealing an intimate family photo album and scattering its contents around world.
Do you think the press has gone too far? or she should have known about doing something immoral, illegal, unethical, that will come back to cost the life?
What's really sad in the situation like this is the innocent children who were just born into mistakes made by adults but will be effected tremendously through their lives.
Denken Sie, dass die Medien zu weit gegangen sind?
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