Casino Buck - Take the Prize
Promo valid: 29th September 2022 - 09th Octobar 2022.
Prize pool: €70,000.

Eligible games: Lava Gold, Take the Bank, Take Olympus, Return to Paris, Stacked, Primal Hunt, Safari Sam 2, Hive, Tower of Fortuna, Stampede, Jungle Stripes, The Book of Darkness, 7 Fortune Frenzy, Hat Trick Hero, Take the Kingdom, Thai Blossoms, Triple, Juicy Drops, Wild Drops, Alkemor's Elements, Kensei Blades, Gemini Joker, Gold Tiger Ascent, Golden Horns, Chilli Pop, Quest to the West, Lost Mystery Chest, Primal Wilderness, 88 Frenzy Fortune, Carnaval Forever, Miles Bellhouse and the Gears of Time, Craps, Stay Frosty, Tiger's Claw, Dim Sum Prize, Mr. Macau, Book of Helios, Mystic Hive, Take Santa's Shop, Wilds of Fortune, Winds of Wealth, Captain Quest.
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- The minimum bet is €0.50
Casino T&C apply.
1x |
€1,000 |
2x |
€500 |
4x |
€300 |
13x |
€100 |
30x |
€50 |
50x |
€20 |
Casino Buck – Holen Sie sich den Preis
Aktion gültig: 29. September 2022 – 09. Oktober 2022.
Preispool: 70.000 €.

Berechtigte Spiele : Lava Gold, Take the Bank, Take Olympus, Return to Paris, Stacked, Primal Hunt, Safari Sam 2, Hive, Tower of Fortuna, Stampede, Jungle Stripes, The Book of Darkness, 7 Fortune Frenzy, Hat Trick Hero, Take the Kingdom, Thai Blossoms, Triple, Juicy Drops, Wild Drops, Alkemor's Elements, Kensei Blades, Gemini Joker, Gold Tiger Ascent, Golden Horns, Chilli Pop, Quest to the West, Lost Mystery Chest, Primal Wilderness, 88 Frenzy Fortune, Carnaval Forever, Miles Bellhouse und die Zahnräder der Zeit, Craps, Stay Frosty, Tiger's Claw, Dim Sum Prize, Mr. Macau, Book of Helios, Mystic Hive, Take Santa's Shop, Wilds of Fortune, Winds of Wealth, Captain Quest.
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- Der Mindesteinsatz beträgt 0,50 €
Es gelten die Casino-AGB.
1x | 1.000 € |
2x | 500 € |
4x | 300 € |
13x | 100 € |
30x | 50 € |
50x | 20 € |