Geschlossen-Exklusiv – Club USA – Aladdin's Gold – Lucky Red Casino – iPod nano ...

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    · Испорука пре Божића није загарантована.


  • cool exclamation but Bonuses would be better

  • cool exclamation but Bonuses would be better

    OK how about we throw into the mix iPod or $100 free chip for those that prefer the play time?

    Roll up Roll up, iPods or $100 free chips up for grabs.

    I'll try get the original post updated.

    Thanks Poker Player, are you going to take part now?

  • cool exclamation but Bonuses would be better

    OK how about we throw into the mix iPod or $100 free chip for those that prefer the play time?

    Roll up Roll up, iPods or $100 free chips up for grabs.

    I'll try get the original post updated.

    Thanks Poker Player, are you going to take part now?

    ok i am a little comfuesd on club usa - club world....

    also. if u make a deposit of 30.00 and take a bonus r u still eligable...

    i made a deposit yesterday and rarely take bonues...i did not look into this thread although i saw the subject line because it says club usa...i noticed that the other 2 casino associated with club world were listed but didnt put 2+2 together...

    also entered a contest at another vote for best casino and again it had club usa..but had a banner that said club world...

    anyhoot...loveeeeeeeeeeeee this casino...that darn club world slot is gonna be the death of me trying to get a darn random and those 100 free spins...but, the only rtg i deposit at..actually gonna make a deposit soon as the rain slows have to fund my card...
    aslo..if u make 2 25.00 deposits on the same day does that qualify u for the contest....

    username curtsonlylove

  • ok i am a little comfuesd on club usa - club world....

    also. if u make a deposit of 30.00 and take a bonus r u still eligable...

    i made a deposit yesterday and rarely take bonues...i did not look into this thread although i saw the subject line because it says club usa...i noticed that the other 2 casino associated with club world were listed but didnt put 2+2 together...

    also entered a contest at another vote for best casino and again it had club usa..but had a banner that said club world...

    anyhoot...loveeeeeeeeeeeee this casino...that darn club world slot is gonna be the death of me trying to get a darn random and those 100 free spins...but, the only rtg i deposit at..actually gonna make a deposit soon as the rain slows have to fund my card...
    aslo..if u make 2 25.00 deposits on the same day does that qualify u for the contest....

    username curtsonlylove

    OK I'll try clear this up for you.

    Club World is the umbrella brand that covers the group of casinos that we run, Club USA, Club UK and Club Euro...collectively, Club World. All the same people smiley

    We also run Aladdin's Gold and Lucky Red Casino.

    Regards the contest, if you make 2x $25 deposits in a single day then it would qualify you for 1 entry into the draw. Make a further $10 deposit that day then you  would get 2 entries into the prize draw as the total deposits for that day would be $60.

    I hope that clears it up for you?

    1.4/ 5

    2.2/ 5

  • I play at all three.  Is there something special I need to do to take part in this, or just by virtue of depositing?  I have deposited alot at Aladdins recently.  smiley
  • All you need to do is deposit to get involved.

    Anyone signed up and associated to this forum and depositing with any one of our brands will be in the draw each day.

  • Thanks Martyn!  Will you be posting the winners on this thread each day or will you contact them directly? 

  • Oh I forgot to mention that the winners will be contacted by email so keep an eye on your inboxes.  grin

  • Is using the LCB links to register with the Club World group a requirement? If not, do we need to give our user id somehow? Thanks Martyn

  • Hi, just to confirm the contest is open to all those players that are associated to this forum by signing up through links here.

    Also, the first winner have been informed that they have won.

    Congratulations to:

    Saturday December 12th: Joseph playing at Aladdins Gold  wink
    Sunday December 13th: Patrick playing at Lucky Red  wink

    Joseph managed an amazing 13 entries into the competition while Patrick only needed the 1 entry.

    Congratulations to both winners and I hope to hear from you soon.

  • I deposited $30 at Aladdins and deposit at all 3 casinos as well. My question is how do you know we are affiliated with this forum for the contest if we do not post here.  I cant remember if i signed up from the links here it has been so long. MIRAKLE
  • how will u know we r associated with this casino...and is the contest only for lcb or anyone that deposits at all 3 casinos...

    i only deposit at club world...and what dates r u using...ihave made many many many deposits but for what dates do the deposits have to be in to qualify..

    thanks a bunch
    user: curtsonlylove

  • they say I won yesterday.............I will be waiting for the mail........Thank you cheesy

  • they say I won yesterday.............I will be waiting for the mail........Thank you cheesy u
  • Yep, a Silver iPod will be on its way to Patrick as soon as I get confirmation of his address.

    I just mailed you back!

    Again, congratulations.

    I am able to see who has signed up through links on this forum on your account. The date ranges are daily for 12 days. Yesterdays winner will be announced later.

  • Yep, a Silver iPod will be on its way to Patrick as soon as I get confirmation of his address.

    I just mailed you back!

    Again, congratulations.

    I am able to see who has signed up through links on this forum on your account. The date ranges are daily for 12 days. Yesterdays winner will be announced later.

    i did not sign up through lcb but i am a depositer at club world and a senior member here...but was already playing at club world when i found out about this does that disqualify me....

  • i did not sign up through lcb but i am a depositer at club world and a senior member here...but was already playing at club world when i found out about this does that disqualify me....

    It does for this promotion I am afraid, however I am sure there will be a whole lot more we can do in the future.

  • i did not sign up through lcb but i am a depositer at club world and a senior member here...but was already playing at club world when i found out about this does that disqualify me....

    It does for this promotion I am afraid, however I am sure there will be a whole lot more we can do in the future.

    no thank-you and i truly love club world casino...but if u were going to have an lcb exclusive it should have been for ALL lcb's that deposit at ur casino...that is just so world is the only rtg that i deposit at...and to think that all my money goes to waste...i am on quite a few forums and wonder y there is no club world contest like their r other casino contest...then find one here and still cant i pissed...i am going to find another rtg that has contests going on at forums every week...where i can deposit and possible win a free chip..for all my deposits i , i am really ticked about this....but thats i will stick to royal joker the other only casino i deposit least their contest are for all..

  • no thank-you and i truly love club world casino...but if u were going to have an lcb exclusive it should have been for ALL lcb's that deposit at ur casino...that is just so world is the only rtg that i deposit at...and to think that all my money goes to waste...i am on quite a few forums and wonder y there is no club world contest like their r other casino contest...then find one here and still cant i pissed...i am going to find another rtg that has contests going on at forums every week...where i can deposit and possible win a free chip..for all my deposits i , i am really ticked about this....but thats i will stick to royal joker the other only casino i deposit least their contest are for all..

    I hear you.

    I will tell you what I will do, for those players that are competing in this I will open it up to all forum users. However, I will need you to list the amount you deposited and the date and your casino username and the casino at which you made the deposit and I will ensure you all get a chance to win.

    So an example of what I need...

    Casino Username: CWC-Martyn
    Amount Deposited $60
    Deposit Date: 14/12
    Casino: Aladdins Gold Casino

    I will cross reference and include all forum users.

    This starts today December 15th 2009.

    Is that better for everyone?

    5/ 5

  • no thank-you and i truly love club world casino...but if u were going to have an lcb exclusive it should have been for ALL lcb's that deposit at ur casino...that is just so world is the only rtg that i deposit at...and to think that all my money goes to waste...i am on quite a few forums and wonder y there is no club world contest like their r other casino contest...then find one here and still cant i pissed...i am going to find another rtg that has contests going on at forums every week...where i can deposit and possible win a free chip..for all my deposits i , i am really ticked about this....but thats i will stick to royal joker the other only casino i deposit least their contest are for all..

    I hear you.

    I will tell you what I will do, for those players that are competing in this I will open it up to all forum users. However, I will need you to list the amount you deposited and the date and your casino username and the casino at which you made the deposit and I will ensure you all get a chance to win.

    So an example of what I need...

    Casino Username: CWC-Martyn
    Amount Deposited $60
    Deposit Date: 14/12
    Casino: Aladdins Gold Casino

    I will cross reference and include all forum users.

    This starts today December 15th 2009.

    Is that better for everyone?

    i truly appricate what u r doing..thank u so much..and i am sure a lot of other forum members will also thank u for this...very very very much appricated...

    1.6/ 5

  • all r for club world casino


    curtsonlylove is username

    i do not know what the cut on and off date is for deposits but i only posted the ones for december ....
    i will let u be the judge for which ones count and which ones dont...

    there will be more deposits to come

    and again thanks so much for allowing all lcb members to particapte in this contest..

  • OK the competition is run daily, prizes for the 12th and the 13th have been issued already and yesterdays winner will find out shortly.

    You can deposit from today for a further 9 chances to win.

    To clarify, for every $30 you deposit at a single casino you get one entry into the draw. Amounts are reset each day.

    Good luck.

  • Congratulations to:

    Monday December 14th: Kristin playing at Aladdins Gold  wink

    Kristin managed a lucky 7 entries into the competition and has been notified.

    Just waiting on confirmation of the iPod colour and delivery address.

    Congratulations to our latest winner!

    If you are not yet taking part, this promotion is open to all users of this forum. Please post your Casino username, casino name, deposit amount and deposit date to be considered for future daily draws for this competition.

    Good Luck!

  • Account ID medtrans
    Amount Deposited:  $50-$50-$50 = $150 (3 deposits)
    Date:  12/15/09
    Casino:  Aladdin's Gold


  • Hi all,

    Just an update on the latest iPod winner...

    Congratulations to Peter who managed a fantastic 5 entries into todays draw.

    Tuesday December 15th: Peter playing at Lucky Red Casino  grin

    I have emailed you Peter so make sure you check your inbox, spam box and any other box for my email. I need to know what colour iPod you'd like.

    Thanks again to all those playing and good luck for tomorrow!!!



    1.4/ 5

  • Hi all,

    Just an update on the latest iPod winner...

    Congratulations to Peter who managed a fantastic 5 entries into todays draw.

    Tuesday December 15th: Peter playing at Lucky Red Casino  grin

    I have emailed you Peter so make sure you check your inbox, spam box and any other box for my email. I need to know what colour iPod you'd like.

    Thanks again to all those playing and good luck for tomorrow!!!



    am i the only one here who plays at club far all winners have come from aladdans gold and lucky red

    1.4/ 5

  • am i the only one here who plays at club far all winners have come from aladdans gold and lucky red

    There is a lot more at Aladdin's and Lucky Red than there is at Club World. But dont let that put you off, all casinos entries are entered into the festive Fez.
  • Hi Martyn.... Are you referring to me I hope on Dec 14????

  • ClubWorld:

    Username:  khartclub
    12/15 - $42
    12/16 - $30


    Username:  khartaladdins
    12/15 - $32
    12/16 - $184

  • Hi Martyn.... Are you referring to me I hope on Dec 14????

    The one and only!!

    Congrats on winning and thanks for taking part.
  • Wednesday 16th iPod Winner:

    Congratulations to Shelby who made an impressive 8 entries into todays draw.

    The email has been sent and just waiting on the address confirmation and preferred color.

    Well done and thanks for taking part!

    There are still more chances to win so make sure you get involved today or tomorrow etc...  grin

  • Account ID medtrans
    Deposited $30
    Casino: Aladdin's Gold


  • Account ID medtrans
    Deposited $30 - $30 - $30 = $90
    Casino:  Lucky Red


  • Account ID is Booo73
    Deposited $30
    Dec 17
    Casino Lucky Red

  • Winner for Thursday December 17th is Cynthia!!!  grin

    Cynthia was pulled from the Fez and hit a smashing 7 entries.

    Thanks for playing and keep it up, there is still more chances to win!

  • Casino Username: lucky134me
    Amount Deposited $100
    Deposit Date: 12/18
    Casino: Club World Casino

  • Username: mistye81
    Aladdins Gold Casino


    $25 12/16
    $30 12/18
    $25 12/19
    $25 12/19
    $25 12/19
    $25 12/19
    $30 12/19
    $32 12/19
    $50 12/19
    $25 12/19
    Thanks for the great contest, love Aladdins Gold!

    1.6/ 5

  • Account ID medtrans
    Deposited $100
    Club World

  • Hi all, sorry for the late update on this I was off yesterday.

    The latest winner, a bumper list for you this time....

    Debra CWC 18/12/2009
    Misty AGC 19/12/2009
    virginia AGC 20/12/2009
    Helen aGC 21/12/2009

    Congratulations to all, as usual if you are reading this, and your name is above please check your email and look out for my message.

    A couple more left so dont be miss your chance to win one of the last couple of iPods!!!

  • OMG!  Thank you so much!  I have replied to your email!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Here we go with the penultimate iPod give away. Congratulations to yesterdays winner.......

    Linda (AGC) who fought off some decent competition. Just 1 single entry into this promotion was enough to bag her yesterdays prize.

    Congratulations again, I'll drop you an email now.

    Merry Xmas all.

  • account ID medtrans
    Deposited $50 - $50 = $100
    Aladdin's Gold


  • account ID medtrans
    Deposited $50 
    Club World

  • account ID medtrans
    Deposited $50 
    Lucky Red

  • First off, I'd like to take this oportunity to say thanks to all those that took part in this promotion and all those that were in it that didnt know about it.  shocked

    A couple of winners have claimed either the free chip or an iPod who thought it was a joke or a wind-up!  tongue

    So, it's down to the draw for the final winner of this competition...

    The winner.......for the final iPod..............goes to........................




    Congrats Medtrans, your onslaught of our casinos really helped you with this one, as it was a great day yesterday with some decent deposits going in.

    Not a bad start to Christmas Eve!

    I hope you all have a great Christmas and enjoy your time off.

    Don't forget to check out our new game, Santa Strikes Back!

    All the best for the New Year also.

    Toot toot!

  • Just wanted to say I received my Nano Ipod today, very very nice!  Thank you very much!  Martyn you are the best!  Happy New Year!

  • Great news Misty, thanks for letting us know and I am so glad you like it.

    Enjoy the tooones and hopefully you'll continue to enjoy our casinos too.  grin

    Happy New Year and keep an eye out for our new offerings coming soon!!!!!!

  • I also recieved mine a few days ago.  Very nice!  Very much appreciated.  Now if we could just get a few match bonuses rolling... ha ha.  But yes, the ipod was very nice, and I very much appreciate it!

  • Just curious if the others who recieved ipods... are yours working? 

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