GESCHLOSSEN.EXKLUSIV $25 und $10 x 10 KOSTENLOSE Chips Paradise 8, Cocoa und This is Vegas

Letzter Beitrag erstellt vor vor einem Jahr durch blueday
  • Erstellt von
  • blueday
  • United Kingdom Almighty Member 37999
  • zuletzt aktiv vor einem Jahr

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  • It's Christmas time and what better way to celebrate Christmas than with a bit of fun and a few free chips.

    Exclusively for LCB members, Paradise 8, Cocoa Casino and the newly acquired This Is Vegas (ALL USA OK) are offering you the chance to win $25 and 10 x $10 prizes just for posting something Christmassy.

    Just post below your favourite Christmas joke, anecdote, rhyme....anything that's Christmassy in fact and you could win the top free chip of $25.  The next 10 best Christmassy jokes, stories,...etc will win $10.

    Make sure to include your username in case you are one of the lucky winners.

    So that's

    1st Prize $25
    2-11th $10

    To take part:

    1.  Post a christmassy story etc as outlined above.
    2.  Include your username.


    1.  You must be bonus eligible
    2.  The casino will select the winners and their decision is final.
    3.  Please keep the jokes at least "moderately" clean.
    4.  The contest closes on 31st December.

    Good luck and have fun.



    4.5/ 5

  • they would have gotten my deposits, too bad, already closed my account with paradise8 and cocoa and I do not have promotion at thisisvegas.

  • Personally, due to the actions by these casino in regards to TAAADAAA. I will not participate.

  • Second that.

    After Taadaa's case, which was 'solved' (not) in such an extremely unfair way I will never ever play there again.

  • I reopened my accounts because we got a Rep here and that I thought I give them a second chance.
    After their treatment of T I consider them as Rogue. Totally unfair and unresonable.
    Sorry Blue but I hope noone will participate.

  • My favforite Christmas memory is when my family and I would go out into the woods and cut down our own tree, get brich wood and make candle holders  and pick holly and berries to make wreaths. To this day I wont do anything artifical for the holidays, even make homemade goods and give as gifts. Icifizza is my username at Paradise 8

  • What do you call a letter sent up the chimney on Christmas Eve ?
    Black mail !

    angiephillips at Cocoa

  • Why is Christmas just like a day at the office ?
    You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.

    please let me know where I can send a message with my Cocoa Casino Account Login info.


    2.7/ 5

  • Hi shoregrass55,

    You can send it to me if you wish.


  • One Christmas, Santa was having a really bad day. The local elves union was up in arms over their contract and were threatening a walk-out. Mrs. Clause was pissed that Santa was never around to appreciate all of the hard work she had been doing around the house. Santa decided he needed to go home, sit in front of a fire and relax.

    When he got there, Miss Clause was all up in his face and wouldn't let down. Then, there was a knock on the door. It was Rudolph. He said the reindeer were sick and tired of Santa not upgrading to the new lightweight sliegh and they were joining the elves walkout. Santa slammed the door and threatend "The next person who knocks on that door is gonna get it!"

    At that time, there was a knock on the door. Santa flung the door open and there stood a tiny little angel. The angel had been searching for the perfect Christmas tree for Santa's house all day long, until it found the perfect one. The little angel asked, "Santa, I was wondering where you would like me to stick this tree?"

    And that is the story of how the angel atop the tree tradition began.

    Deposit $25.00 12/12/10 (I didn't know if a deposit was needed to qualify)

    User name:  cnolley

  • No deposit required bonusround.


  • Personally, due to the actions by these casino in regards to TAAADAAA. I will not participate.

  • Personally, due to the actions by these casino in regards to TAAADAAA. I will not participate.

    That is your (and everyone else who posted the same) choice but I would add that it looks as though Jason may be able to resolve the problem that Taaadaaa had.

    In any event, I hope this does not deter others from taking part in this great free contest.

  • Because Jason is now looking into this issue, I will now withdraw my call for the boycott of this contest and encourage others to participate.

    Thank you Blue for your help. (Copied to the other thread)

  • Because Jason is now looking into this issue, I will now withdraw my call for the boycott of this contest and encourage others to participate.

    Thank you Blue for your help. (Copied to the other thread)

    Hi Genenco,

    I understand why you did this and I thank you for coming back to this thread and writing the above.

    I hope that Taaa's prob is resolved as much as you all do.


  • Username dbailey49


    1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present.

    2. Go to wardrobe and collect bag in which present is contained, and close door.

    3. Open door and remove cat from wardrobe.

    4. Go to cupboard and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.

    5. Go back and remove cat from cupboard.

    6. Go to drawer and collect transparent sticky tape, ribbons, scissors, labels, etc.

    7. Lay out present and wrapping materials on table, to enable wrapping strategy to be formed.

    8. Go back to drawer to get string, remove cat that has been in the drawer since last visit, and collect string.

    9. Remove present from bag.

    10. Remove cat from bag.

    11. Open box to check present, remove cat from box, replace present.

    12. Lay out paper to enable cutting to size.

    13. Cut the paper to size, trying to keep the cutting line straight.

    14. Throw away first sheet because cat tried to chase the scissors and tore paper.

    15. Cut second sheet of paper to size by putting cat in the bag the present came out of.

    16. Place present on cut-to-size paper.

    17. Lift up edges of paper to seal in present, wonder why edges now don't reach, and find cat between present and paper. Remove cat and retry.

    18. Place object on paper, to hold in place, while cutting transparent sticky tape.

    19. Spend next 20 minutes carefully trying to remove transparent sticky tape from cat with pair of nail scissors.

    20. Seal paper down with transparent sticky tape, making corners as neat as possible.

    21. Look for roll of ribbon; chase cat down hall and retrieve ribbon.

    22. Try to wrap present with ribbon in a two-directional turn.

    23. Re-roll up ribbon and remove paper that is now torn, due to cat's enthusiasm in chasing ribbon end.

    24. Repeat steps 12-22 until down to last sheet of paper.

    25. Decide to skip steps 12-16 in order to save time and reduce risk of losing last sheet of paper. Retrieve old cardboard box that you know is right size for sheet of paper.

    26. Put present in box, and tie down with string.

    27. Remove string, open box and remove cat.

    28. Put all packing materials in bag with present and head for lockable room.

    29. Once inside room, lock door and start to re-lay out packing materials.

    30. Remove cat from box, unlock door, put cat outside door, close door and re-lock.

    31. Lay out last sheet of paper. (Admittedly this is difficult in the small area of the toilet, but try your best!)

    32. Seal box, wrap with paper and start repairs by very carefully sealing down tears with transparent sticky tape. Now tie up with ribbon and decorate with bows to hide worst affected areas.

    33. Label, then sit back and admire your handiwork, congratulating yourself on making good of a bad job.

    34. Unlock door, and go to kitchen to make drink and feed cat.

    35. Spend next 15 minutes looking for cat, before coming to obvious conclusion.

    36. Unwrap present, untie box and remove cat.

    37. Retrieve all discarded sheets of wrapping paper, feed cat and retire to lockable room for last attempt, making certain you are alone and the door is locked.

    38. At time of handing over present, smile sweetly at receiver's face, as they try and hide their contempt at being handed such a badly wrapped present.

    39. Swear to yourself that next year, you will get the store to wrap the darn thing for you.

  • Thank you everyone that's posted so far.  Come on folks, these are free chips up for grabs.


  • no Canadians, or I'd be all over it, laugh_out_loud....birthday this month, looking for any freebies I can get lol..and Hell, Xmas daaaamn expensive

  • no Canadians, or I'd be all over it, laugh_out_loud....birthday this month, looking for any freebies I can get lol..and Hell, Xmas daaaamn expensive

    It's certainly a bummer - hopefully things will change for you on the Rival front soon dt.

  • for sure; used to play them waaaay back when they allowed us canuckle-heads

  • Blue I wanted to change my Christmas entry but there is no modify button.  Can you change it to this one or can I just post two? 

    'Twas the night before Christmas.
    I hit the casino.
    I went there to play,
    More than just Keno.
    The dealers were assigned to their tables with care.
    Chatting with patrons who were gambling there.
    I walked to the Slots and started to Play.
    I had a feeling this would be my Day.

    I put in my coins and gave the handle a yank.
    As the coins started dropping I heard them go "Clank."
    The wheels started spinning, they whirled and they glowed.
    Alas! I saw three 7's, lined up in a row.

    The lights started flashing, the bells all were ringing,
    Out came the Jackpot with that old familiar jingling.
    I reached down and scooped up all of my winnings.
    I headed for the tables.. I couldn't stop grinning.

    A table was open so I sat for Blackjack,
    Put down money for chips and purchased a stack.
    The Dealer was smiling, I was having such fun.
    Drew a Jack then an Ace, I had Twenty One!

    Now off to Roulette but which numbers to choose?
    The way things were going I just couldn't lose.
    I watched the ball spinning, it clicked and it Popped.
    Right into my number, that little ball dropped.

    "Thirty five to One", the dealer pushed me my chips.
    Then she said, "Thanks!" for the toke that I flipped.
    Then out on the floor, I heard such a clatter.
    I rushed to the Craps Table, to see what was the matter.

    There was this Fat Guy so lively and quick,
    I thought to myself, he looks like Saint Nick.
    I watched the dice as they flew from his hand.
    He made his point, ever time they'd land.

    "Place the six and the eight and a dollar on YO!
    "He blew on the dice before letting them go.
    "To some these dice are more fun than toys.
    I almost forgot, hard six for the boys!"

    He handled the bones so smooth and so swift.
    The timing was right, to ask for a gift.
    "Oh Santa please share some of your lucky charm."
    He whispered to me, as he took my arm. "If you want to keep winning when rolling the dice,
    Just listen to Santa and heed my advice.
    ""I've learned from the Experts, Scoblete, Burton and Wong.
    The secret of winning is PRACTICE hard and long."

    "You MUST use your head and this is no fable.
    If your Luck starts to turn, You must leave the table"
    In the Blink of an eye he was headed for the door.
    I pleaded with Santa, "Please, Tell me more!"

    He called back to me
    as he flew out of sight.
    "Every day will be Christmas.
    If you learn to play the game right"

  • Very nice - no reason why you can't post two.


  • There are still chips to be won in the contest.

    Come on players, post your favourite Christmas joke, anecdote, rhyme....anything that's Christmassy,


  • Goodluck to those that entered!!! I just saw this topic this morning and bonus...I love when you enter these contest,you are just amazing and genenco..I laughed sooooooooo hard I almost had a accident embarrassed hysterical wink

  • Goodluck to those that entered!!! I just saw this topic this morning and bonus...I love when you enter these contest,you are just amazing and genenco..I laughed sooooooooo hard I almost had a accident embarrassed hysterical wink

    You can still enter Rosebud.

  • coca casino username obrown my ryme is jingle bells batman smells robin laid an egg the batmobile lost a wheel and the joker got away (the child i babysit taught me that 1 lol)

  • i dont know if i should post another one but i just got my username for paradise 8 its kittycream and this is vegas is cat034 here goes (twas the night before christmas and i was asleep
    i was dreaming of winning the jackpot when i heard a beep
    then a loud crash what was the matter?
    he came down the chimmney with a heck of a clatter
    he had a fat belly and looked kind of drunk
    he said im SAINT NICK and his breath really stunk
    i picked up the phone to dial 911
    to let them know about this fat bum
    but before i could dial he started to grin
    and yelled out RENA A GOOD GIRL YOUVE BEEN
    he said deposit at paradise, coca,or vegas
    lean a little closer when i say this
    play only winter wonderland for the big one
    when i turned away he said wait im not done,
    he said max bet is the way to spin
    now login and see dont u win
    he went up the chimmney with a heck of a fart
    that drunk St Nick blew my chimmney apart
    but guess what he was right
    i Won 8,000 that christmas night HAPPY NEW YEARS

  • what do you call a person who doesnt like xmas a scrooge or a grinch? both cocoa id kitty12

  • thanks for all your hard work in helping me retrieve my info blue,but alas i must bow out of this contest.I already posted why in the can we stand together thread anyways gl to all whos playing i hope big wins come your way (great contests blue you rock <3 smiley kiss :'X)

  • thanks for all your hard work in helping me retrieve my info blue,but alas i must bow out of this contest.I already posted why in the can we stand together thread anyways gl to all whos playing i hope big wins come your way (great contests blue you rock <3 smiley kiss :'X)

    What a shame. 

    See my response in the other thread.

  • Resolved Rena.  Are you now back in?


  • Resolved Rena.  Are you now back in?

      sure is lol im planing on depositing at either coca or paridise today and see how it goes but yes im back in thanks to you and jason
  • sure is lol dont you just love my english i need more coffee  laugh_out_loud wink kiss


    A Christmas tree is always erect.
    Even small ones give satisfaction.
    A Christmas tree stays up for 12 days and nights.
    A Christmas tree always looks good - even with the lights on.
    A Christmas tree is always happy with its size.
    A Christmas tree has cute balls.
    A Christmas tree doesn't get mad if you break one of its balls.
    You can throw a Christmas tree out when it's past its 'sell by' date.
    You don't have to put up with a Christmas tree all year.

  • This contest is now closed.

    Winners will be announced shortly.


  • if i win my user id for cocoa is kitty12

  • Hi Everyone!

    So here are the winners:

    $10: icifizza (P8), cnolley(P8), kitty12 (CC), obrown(CC), angiephillips(CC),

    $25 Top prize goes to.. dbailey49 (aka Genenco) (P8)!!

    I actually lol'd at the story because I know it came from experience lol. In fact, we didn't get enough people participating in this contest to max out the promos so I'm going to add another $25 to Genenco's account smiley

    Also.. wmmeden and shoregrass. I'd be happy to award you prizes if you can get me your casino logins and let me know which casino you play at.



  • do we have another contest from TIV/P8/Cocoa in the near future Jason?

    cool cool cool

  • Thank you Jason!  I love these contest!  Please keep them coming!

  • I'm all for it smiley What do you think Blue, want to run another soon?

  • TIV, wmmeden

  • please say YES blue  :-bd thumbs_up thumbs_up ,

    I deposit with the New Year into Cash bonus almost everyday now with Cocoa, but for the last two weeks, the promo was not posted for Wed-Fri, I only get it when I contact livechat.  Like today, the promo for Wed is not there.  Can you ask them to post those promos availble for me please?


  • Jason, for any hassle I may have created, I apologize. But now with what you did for TAADAAA and this, I will make more deposits with your casino.  I needed the results from TAADAAA's incident to be sure and now I am.

    Thank you so much for this!! I really do appreciate it.

  • Jason, for any hassle I may have created, I apologize. But now with what you did for TAADAAA and this, I will make more deposits with your casino.  I needed the results from TAADAAA's incident to be sure and now I am.

    Thank you so much for this!! I really do appreciate it.

    You're very welcome and no problem! It's completely understandable.


  • I'm all for it smiley What do you think Blue, want to run another soon?

    The sooner the better - you know me Jason!

    That would be awesome.  Lets chat.

  • In order to close off this contest, can wmmeden and shoregrass please supply your usernames for any of the 3 casinos so that your credit can be given to you.



  • TIV, wmmeden
  • Thanks wmmeden.  

    That just leaves shoregrass for the username and casino choice please.



    Info sent to Jason.

  • shoregrass , can you please supply your username for your choice of casino so you can be credited.



  • Thank you for selecting me as a winner during the contest

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