GESCHLOSSEN – Exklusives LCB-Angebot im Wert von 25 $ – „hilfreichster Forenposter“

Letzter Beitrag erstellt vor vor einem Jahr durch chillymellow
  • Erstellt von
  • zuga
  • Yugoslavia Admin 8389
  • zuletzt aktiv vor einer Stunde

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Bitte nutze den oder die Registrierung um mitzumachen.

  • This offer is for members only.

    As a way of appreciation we at LCB have decided to award the most helpful forum poster with $25 at the end of month. All you need to do is to be active, to make quality posts,and our team of moderators,including LCB Admin, yobes and myself, will decide the winner at the end of the each month.
    $25 will be paid to winners Neteller, MoneyBookers or PayPal account.

  • We at LCB forum have decided to give two $25 awards.

    1st $25 goes to brett666...
    2nd $25 goes to bastion...

    CONGRATULATIONS to both of you.
    Please send your payment details( via private message) to LCB Admin

    P.S. The Exclusive $25 LCB offer -" most helpful forum poster" will continue to run in June.Other two LCB offers(funny videos and best whoring experience+ screenshots) are closed.
    Thank you all  smiley

  • Thanks ! LCB is the best smiley

  • Money sent..check your account smiley

  • And the winner for June is.........owned3bet  Congratulations
    send us your payment details via private message.
    Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card account.

  • thanks cheesy

  • " Most helpful forum poster" offer will continue to run in July.

    thank you and good luck smiley

  • the winner for July is once again owned3bet  Congratulations
    send us your payment details via private message. smiley

  • thanks once again cheesy

  • " Most helpful forum poster" offer will continue to run in August.

    thank you

  • I haven't been a member that long so bare with me, lol. How does one get into this contest?

    Read the 1st post of this topic .  smiley

  • And the winner for August is.........nalgenie  Congrats exclamation
    send me your payment details via private message.
    Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card account.

  • Once again, thanks alot! grin

    LCB is my home away from home...where I come to get away from gambling!! cheesy

    hahahahaha... grin

  • Top poster for September is gamblegirl48.

    Congrats exclamation

    Send me your payment details(Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card)

  • The most helpful poster for October is..... MISTERTEE exclamation!


    Please PM me your  payment details ( Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card) .

    Thank you  smiley

  • this was the closest call ever. Thats why we decided to give two $25 awards this time.

    and the two $25 awards for the month of the November goes to ....

    Booo73 and Mago666

    Congrats!! please send me your payment details ( Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card) via private messages.

    thank you

  • this was the closest call ever. Thats why we decided to give two $25 awards this time.

    and the $25 for the month of the November goes to ....

    Booo73 and Mago666

    Congrats!! please send me your payment details ( Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card) via private messages.

    thank you

    cheesy thats mean zuga, the people is most interesting in the forum!!!! tongue and tyvm for the award its my pleasure be active in the forum  wink
  • Payment sent Mago666   wink

    Still waiting for your details Booo73

  • the money is on the house lol grin thx zuga and LCB team  wink

  • OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't been online for two days (IE 8 BETA problems).  Finally was able to visit my favorite forum and saw I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love to help my fellow forum members whenever I can but to get a special thank you in return like this is WONDERFUL.  Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS LCB'ers

  • Payment sent to your MB exclamation


  • Wow this is awesome count me in if this is still opened

  • This LCB offer runs every month.
  • Well Thank you for your quick responce . I will be back offten ty . Hugs Sandy

  • And the winner for December is.........  bkddh5


    Please PM me your  payment details ( Neteller,MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card) .

    Thank you  smiley

  • This is one great forum - thanks for letting me take part!

  • bkddh5,

    payment sent  wink

  • Thank you!!!

    I love this site. When I get a code or find out a promotion, I think I get just as

    excited about posting it as using it.

    I hope everyone has a winning 2009.

    Happy New Year!

    Karen  grin

  • oh I forgot I received payment

    Thanks zuga

  • LCB is the best.Thank's


  • The most helpful poster for January is..... wnanhee exclamation!


    Please PM me your  payment details ( Neteller, MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card) .

    Thank you  smiley

  • O~MUH~GAWD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WOO~HOO! Thank you, thank you, thank you...thank you so much for making me a one lucky winner which made my day.  My heart fulfilled by all your generosity. Thank you, zuga and  all of the LCB staff  who always put so much efforts to make our home(forum) cozy and special. Like I posted many times this is the place not only for gambling stuff but share friendship. LOVE YOU ALL.
  • I sent PM. for my account(paypal)... cheesy

  • Payment sent, check your account  smiley

  • oh, my! I got the money already...thank you so much,zuga, you rock! I am so proud...thank you, zuga and all the staff.GL. everyone, this is awesome! grin grin grin

  • O~MUH~GAWD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WOO~HOO! Thank you, thank you, thank you...thank you so much for making me a one lucky winner which made my day.  My heart fulfilled by all your generosity. Thank you, zuga and  all of the LCB staff  who always put so much efforts to make our home(forum) cozy and special. Like I posted many times this is the place not only for gambling stuff but share friendship. LOVE YOU ALL.

    It is homey isn't it  lips_sealed  I think it's cool with all you guys that have the cartoons too, it's almost like your there grin  it's funny..hey congrats!

  • O~MUH~GAWD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WOO~HOO! Thank you, thank you, thank you...thank you so much for making me a one lucky winner which made my day.  My heart fulfilled by all your generosity. Thank you, zuga and  all of the LCB staff  who always put so much efforts to make our home(forum) cozy and special. Like I posted many times this is the place not only for gambling stuff but share friendship. LOVE YOU ALL.

    It is homey isn't it  lips_sealed   I think it's cool with all you guys that have the cartoons too, it's almost like your there grin  it's funny..hey congrats!
    Hey, nalgenie! I've been meaning to tell you I really like your picture(avatar) what a cute tiger...thanks for your nice words.
  • WTG WNANHEE!!!!!
  • OK its that time of the month again.

    the most helpfull poster for the month of February is Dedi1981 .

    Congrats !

    please PM me with your payment details : ( Neteller, MoneyBookers, PayPal or Eco card )

    thanx smiley

  • Well im still waiting to hear from Dedi1981. 
    Dedi1981 if you read this please send me your payment details via private message.

    thank you

  • hello, i've sent you my payment account and thank you very much everybody

  • Payment sent, check your account smiley

  • yes i've noticed smiley
    thank you zuga

  • cheesy cheesy cheesy  WTG, DEDI! WTG, LCB.
  • This was the easiest decision ever.

    The most helpful/best poster for the March is PMM2008!!

    Congrats Pam exclamation

  • Yippee!!!!Oh WOW, Zuga, Thank you so much. LCB, thank you so much. I am all smiles this morning.  I truely enjoy posting!!!! Thank You Thank you Thank you.

  • Congratulations!
    Keep on smiling, you really earned it. I enjoy reading all your posts grin

  • Congrats PMM!! Well deserved!  cheesy


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