GESCHLOSSEN – Exklusives LCB-Angebot im Wert von 25 $ – „hilfreichster Forenposter“

Letzter Beitrag erstellt vor vor einem Jahr durch chillymellow
  • Erstellt von
  • zuga
  • Yugoslavia Admin 8389
  • zuletzt aktiv vor einer Stunde

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Bitte nutze den oder die Registrierung um mitzumachen.

  • WOW!!! Thanx LCB & Thanx 2 all of the fellow members 4 their compliments.

    I just want u all 2 know that I really am not THAT knowledgable...I just have nothin' better 2 do. laugh_out_loud

    LCB ROCKS!!!

  • I never expected this as I felt I was "helping" but I'm sure there were other who seemed to be more helpful!

    Thanx to all and I tell you, this is a very humbling experience!

    Special thanx to Jimbeaux for the butt kick to wake me up too smiley

  • WOW!!! Thanx LCB & Thanx 2 all of the fellow members 4 their compliments.

    I just want u all 2 know that I really am not THAT knowledgable...I just have nothin' better 2 do. laugh_out_loud

    LCB ROCKS!!!

    Yeah... but now you got 25 bucks to do it with... grin

  • I never expected this as I felt I was "helping" but I'm sure there were other who seemed to be more helpful!

    Thanx to all and I tell you, this is a very humbling experience!

    Special thanx to Jimbeaux for the butt kick to wake me up too smiley

    Figured your adoring fans wanted to see the look on your face.
  • Congrats to both of you! wink

  • Congrats to both of you!  This forum is great isn't it?


  • I just recieved my check from paypal in the mail 2day! Thanks again Zuga & every1 else here @ LCB!!!

  • I guess I better quit whining so much and pick up some pointers from these fine helpful posters! I want to be one too.

  • I guess I better quit whining so much and pick up some pointers from these fine helpful posters! I want to be one too.

  • most helpful  poster for the month of September is :



    please PM me your payment details ( moneybookers, paypal or neteller )


  • YEAAAA!!!! Now that is terrific. Way to go Doc.
          I too enjoy your posts and appreciate your valuble insight into our forum.  cheesy


  • Congrats!


  • Congratulations drpsyce38!!!

  • Well done indeed drpsyce38.


  • WAY TO GO drpsyce38!!!  Congrats!
  • Awwww Doc..........i am sooooo proud to know ya!!!! Congrats!!

  • most helpful  poster for the month of October is :



    please PM me your payment details ( moneybookers, paypal or neteller )



  • Congrats Tinmanfan:
          Thank you for all those helpful posts... smiley smiley


  • Well done Tinmanfan - well deserved too.


  • shocked  wtg,tinmanfan!!!
  • wtg just happened by so thats how I knew:D congrats

  • CONGRATS TINMAN!!!  grin
  • Wtgggggggg Tinmanfan!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy won! You have been awesome in your contribution to the forum!!

  • wtg tinmanfan!!!

  • most helpful  poster for the month of October is :



    please PM me your payment details ( moneybookers, paypal or neteller )


    Tinmanfan please private message me your payment details - moneybookers, paypal or neteller.

    P.S. check ur PMs

  • WOWWWW.... thanks every1 4 your kind words smiley  This is something I DID NOT EXPECT so what a nice surprise smiley

    When I first joined the forum, I never expected 2 enjoy it this much, and 2 meet so many gr8 fellow gamblers wink 

    Thanks again smiley  smiley  smiley  smiley

  • most helpful  poster for the month of November is : 13oclock

    Congrats! please PM me your payment details ( moneybookers, paypal or neteller )


  • BIG CRONGRATS 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Love it when a fellow Canuck gets lucky smiley:):)

  • Wow 13 - nice one indeed.  shocked

    Congrats to you - and keep it up!  grin  You're a great asset to the site.


  • Congrats 13!  kiss Good  luck with this win!
  • Who loves ya baby?????????????????

    LCB thats who...........congrats 13!!!!!!!!!!

  • WOOO HOOO!!!! WTG 13!!!! you deserve it hun!!!

  • Tinmanfan, One way or another you'll get that HUGE amount back that GoWild? screwed you out of. I still feel for you

  •     wtg 13oclock and I love your red shoes

  • wtg 13oclock!

    how the heck did u accomplish 400+ posts since registering last mid-october? laugh_out_loud...i've been here how many months? what woud we canucks say to that?somethin' like...."In yo face!!! In yo face!!!!" lol......hahaha...all jokes...

    wtg again! congrats and well-derserved!

  • I hope I am not to late to say Congrats to 13oclock for his "most helpful forum poster" win.

        Love your posts....keep them coming.... smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley


  • This offer is for members only.

    As a way of appreciation we at LCB have decided to award the most helpful forum poster with $25 at the end of month. All you need to do is to be active, to make quality posts,and our team of moderators,including LCB Admin, yobes and myself, will decide the winner at the end of the each month.
    $25 will be paid to winners Neteller, MoneyBookers or PayPal account.

    Ha This is most like not the place to ask and I'm sure there is some where in here that I could get the info.
    But first I thought Neteller was out did they not go to court some years back and get closed. I still trying to find one to us. I have paypal but I only find a bank account to put money in there. You can not us that at casino play. Where can I us my Mast card >>
  • Oh YAY 13oclick i mean oclock!
    Congrats on the win!
    Just now seeing this, you deserve it!

  • Sounds good to me. Free money isn't a bad thing.

  • way to go 13 way to late but i am slow.  you are funny and i like funny keep it up from the newbie junior member resident b---tch spazz

  • Congradulations 13 spend it wisely.  No more casinos for you!!!!!  (You know I'm kidding".

  • LOL 13!!!!!  U sound like me, I almost spend ALL my money before I get it!!!! HEHE

  • i havent cashed out yet, lmao

    then its time to learn something new...ummm like how about....let me think....i about learning how to cashout?! =)

  • 13oclock was the first LCB Memeber I ever contacted . I asked him how I get my own cartoon, I almost have enough post! He was very nice and very helpful. He is a good representitive of the Members Forum. I always get alot from his knowledge in his post.

  • When the winners? tongue
  • most helpful  poster for the month of December is :


    Congrats !

    please PM me your payment details ( moneybookers, paypal or neteller )


  • Yay - congrats acgofer.  Well deserved.


  • Yeaaaaaa Acgofer....

    Congrats on your winning the most helpful forum poster award.

    I agree with Blue, Well deserved indeed.


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