Hi, mamasgotit!
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Hi! Just giving opinions and here to help anyone who needs it :)
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I hate win a day because they never seem to honor their promos no matter if you deposit or not!
Sonderaktionen im WINADAY Casino

righton wrote: confucious say... better to keep ones mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and dispel all doubts Somethings are better left unsaid while others must be said only...
Zitat des Tages

To simplify the question do you think the sellers should have a percentage they have to go by ( meaning they can't sell them for Double the value ect.) on these trading websites and no higher and...
Glauben Sie, dass es eine Obergrenze dafür geben sollte, wie viel Verkäufer über bzw. unter dem Handelswert eines Bitcoins liegen dürfen?
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