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zuga wrote: addoption and utility is the key for all crypto. I see BTC becoming more and more a store of value, like gold is but surpassing it by many folds. It could be mate, once I told my friend...
Glauben Sie, dass der Bitcoin-Preis bis 2030 die 500.000-Dollar-Marke erreichen wird?
zuga wrote: im in no way a Bicoin maxi, but i see $500K scenario very possible. With all the institutional funds and ETF's money going in I can't see why not really..the feel is like BTC has become a...
Glauben Sie, dass der Bitcoin-Preis bis 2030 die 500.000-Dollar-Marke erreichen wird?
zuga wrote: This year 2025. will see $125,000 im sure. Half a mil by 2030. is very realistic, now even more than when I made this post back in 2017. IMO. Ha-ha, one thing is for've been...
Glauben Sie, dass der Bitcoin-Preis bis 2030 die 500.000-Dollar-Marke erreichen wird?
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