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Power to the TALL PEOPLE!! Hehehe I'm a six footer, got 2 sisters who are six footers, Dad's 6 foot 6 inches,AND my Great-great grandmother was reportedly six foot 2 and she was born in the mid...
Wow, diese Brüder sind GROSS!!
Hiya, Haven't been around for awhile and not sure if this has been posted but, Pamper casino has new games, some are 3 Dimensional and they also have a NEW 100$ FREE CHIP to play with too...ijs Ally
Mehr kostenlose Chips
I wonder why it has to sound like "3rd world Africa", it is'nt its in the Good old United States ,OUR country. This kind of sick crap probably happens here more than anywhere else I am sickened to...
Ein Mädchen wurde im Käfig gefunden, als es sich selbst aß...
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