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I don't trust them. Nor do I trust their sister site sports xeno because they refuse to pay me out even though I sent them sufficient documentation to show my residence.
BEHOBEN: Das Zula Casino hat mich um 32.000 $ ausgeraubt

Just wanted to add to this that I was winning not a lot but winning nonetheless and no connection error no nothing and Zula logged me out I was winning. So I had to log back in and of course lost my...
BEHOBEN: Das Zula Casino hat mich um 32.000 $ ausgeraubt

I am very concerned that zula did not pay this person $32,000 and is trying to weasel around it. These are very popular sites and a lot of people play them you would be expanding your reach and your...
BEHOBEN: Das Zula Casino hat mich um 32.000 $ ausgeraubt
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