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Oh boy,oh boy,oh boy... It's hard to be a Brazilian 0-3 and the last 2 games in tournament a total of 1-10. *-*
GESCHLOSSEN – Wett-Wettbewerb zur WM-Vorhersage

german!!win win this championship..i bet!!:) I agree,think those Germans will be >:D and 8p Argentina. Then they will be the first European to become Champions when World Cup is held in South...
GESCHLOSSEN – Wett-Wettbewerb zur WM-Vorhersage

Brazil vs Netherlands 0:0 Germany vs Argentina 3:0 Come on, one time! ;D wish me luck, I was pretty bad with WC predicitons ;D GOOD LUCK SOMMI :-bd
GESCHLOSSEN – Wett-Wettbewerb zur WM-Vorhersage
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