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Alex also mentioned that my issues would be resolved to my satisfaction. Fat lot chance of that. Ive posted the image and i will do it again, but you owe me 100mtbc, not 50 euro converted into btc....
BetChain-Support- und Beschwerde-Thread

Let start right at the begining. The slot tournament, here is the picture on the very site that says 50 eur or .1btc. since i have done everything in btc, i expected payment in btc. That image is as...
BetChain-Support- und Beschwerde-Thread

So, I also emailed betchains support with the above in the email. After about a day, i got the following for a reply: Hi Joseph, I apologize for all inconveniences that you have encountered lately....
BetChain-Support- und Beschwerde-Thread
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