Being in California, I am amazed at how little the news people know about earthquakes.
A CNN reporter, from NYC, asked Caltech Seisemon Kate Hutton if there were warnings right before the earthquake. She said there weren't but that is in the science community.
It was reported that animals in both Washington DC's Zoo and NYC Zoo were acting strange hours before the earthquake; chimps and apes were screaming and others were huddled together in tight groups, a defense against unknown predators.
P waves travel faster than S waves in an earthquake.
In the late 80s, you could go to Home Depot and buy an Earthquake detector that looked like a smoke detector. It registered P wave movement before an earthquake and gave a warning; anywhere from one to five minutes. I had one that actually went off 2 minutes before the 1994 Northridge quake. Unfortunately, it also went off whenever a large truck or bus drove by my condo, so I just ignored the warning.
It was a good idea, just not perfect. Now, you can't even find them.
Where were you went the quake hit and did you feel it?
Wer hat neulich das Erdbeben gespürt?
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