Hi Members,
What is Memorial Day? To some Memorial day is looking forward to having three days off from work. A time to gather with friends and family and bbq. Others view it as the kick off to summer. The pools are officially opened. Its a time to plant gardens and flowers. It's a getaway to a favorite vacation spot. It's just the begininng of the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.
But what it really is...is the remembrance of all those who died in battle for our country. Whether it was a father, brother, sister, aunt or uncle or simply the unknown soldier...its a time to embrace all those who have parished.
To any LCB members who have lost loved ones in war .....any war in any part of the world my prayers are with you.
If you have a special person you know that has died serving their country please share your stories.
Was ist der Memorial Day?
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