Hi Gang:
I was going thru my closet recently looking at my "Holiday" clothing.
Isn't this the season to dress in those reds and greens? Pictures of Santa and Elves adorn our clothing?
Haven't we have all owned something like this from time to time, and wear it during this festive holiday to show our spirit.
I remember some gawd awful dresses I was made to wear as a child for the festivities, making me look like a poster child for Christmas, and when I look back on old photos of me I want to cringe and ask my Mother what she was thinking.
My Grand Father always thought he looked so dapper in his red polyester Blazer, and Christmas tree tie. hahaha
Upon further investigation of this subject, even the web has sites for "Ugly Christmas Sweaters, that you can actually buy to have for your very own. Isn't that wonderful?
I would love for you to go thru your closet, and find those ugly sweaters and put a picture of it here. I'll start us off ....
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