Hi, my name is David, I've been working in the gambling industry for a long time and it's been a while since a new product has excited me as much as binary options has. This product allows players to bet on the stock market and the interest in the product has already exceeded all expectations.
Most gamblers are always looking for different options and interesting ways to earn more money. Once they've been introduced to this new product which is also called bet options, they realize that this game allows them to use all the general knowledge gained watching the news on TV or reading the newspaper so earnings are less based on luck alone.
The way it works is that you bet on the price of different types of assets and you can earn between 65 and 71% of your initial investment in less than an hour.
Betting on real assets on the stock exchange, means you can look at the history of an asset before you decide to place your bet or not. The platform will reveal a fixed price for the asset, which can be forex, stocks, indices and/or commodities. It means you can pick your favorite company like Apple and if you heard over the news that they've launched a fantastic new product that should push up their share price, you can place a bet on it.
If you like to play with Forex and think the value of the US dollar is about to increase or drop, you can buy a Call option or a Put option for as little as $30 and will receive your initial investment back plus a 65-71% return if the option expires above or below the level, dependant on the option. Since you as the player/investor is the one who owns the trade, you can design it according to your knowledge and skill level.
You don't need to know anything about the stock exchange or online trading to play with binary options, but if you do know a little or are interested in it, you will really enjoy looking at the asset's historical performance and use your knowledge with your gut feel to place your bet.
In addition, you will find a different type of option called One touch option in which specific set price is set for an asset, if you believe that the asset will reach that particular set price at any time before the option expires, you can bet on it. The asset doesnt necessarily have to be at that price at closing time.
Furthermore players will get a 15% refund on the money invested if the optioan closes against their bet.
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