I had to work til 10 pm on New Years eve.. i said okay let me have a few drinks (knowing i had to be at work 9 am New Years day.. It's New Years i wanna celebrate, i had every reason to drink (we only get 1-1-11 once in a.. well i'm not gonna figure that out i'll get another twilight zone hangover.. lmao.. so anyways i drank and drank some more ( i can sleep off a few drinks in 7 hours.. okay 6 hours, now 5 hours.. erm.. i lost count after that ended up having 2 hours sleep and i was drunk out my mind.. got to work, headache, bodyaches from all the crazy dancing, eyes red, dizziness.. tanks of water.. loads of mouthwash, 5 bottles of visine and a gazillion tic-tacs and i dont think theres enough asprin in the world to help the head.. and i thought everyone had their eyes on me and noticed i was in twilight zone hangover mode... bahahaha little did i know.. that every single one of my co-workers were in the same zone each trying to cover their own self worried others were going to notice..not one of us noticed how we screwed-up the day away, moving around like blobs of melting dough, (we thought the day went smooth).. had to fix alot of mistakes we made but didn't know.. i still got a touch of it 3 days later.. uugghhh
My suggestion NEVER drink heavily on the night before work.. (except holidays) that way no one notices
Anyone else have the hangover from hell?
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