You cannot disagree that gambling is a fun and exciting activity. For many people, it has become a significant part of their lifestyle. Some of them are looking for a new way of entertaining and testing their luck. Others want to earn some money, placing bets and winning rewards. Some more experienced players unite these features and make gambling their hobby.
However, like any other thrilling pastime, gambling can be addictive. And when the addiction is detected, one should take actions immediately in order not to let it ruin lives. I have researched this topic and would like to share some info about it.
Reasons for Developing Gambling Addiction
It is hard to tell the definite set of reasons why people get addicted to anything. Sometimes the outside factors can stimulate the addiction. But mostly the personal psychological features make the person responsive to the gambling influence.
- Inner motives. They can include the desire to be a leader and showcase the dominance above other players. Another case is the need to feel satisfaction and joy when in real life, the person experiences only failures and disappointments.
- Personal issues. Low self-esteem and disposition to depression can become factors for developing a gambling addiction.
- Family reasons. Childhood fears and complexes can lead to choosing a gambling path.
- Economic factor. Instead of developing a successful career to be financially independent, the person wants to get money fast and effortlessly.
- Pandemic and lockdown issues. People are forced to stay at home for a long time without decent social contacts. Others get fired and start looking for solutions. This may lead to excessive playing.
- Other causes. The overall availability of gambling facilities, legal status in many countries, constant gambling advertising in mass media.
Gambling Addiction Consequences
- Debts.
- Spouse and family issues.
- Loss of friends.
- Health problems.
- Stress and mental instability.
- Suicidal thoughts.
Are You Okay? Gambling Addiction Checklist
If you have collected more than 5 points from this list, it is the urgent need to take actions in fighting your gambling addiction.
- Uncontrollable desire to gamble;
- Chronic sleep issues;
- Anxiety and irritability, when you cannot play;
- Depression when not playing;
- Gradually growing gambling obsession;
- Keeping playing despite the physical, psychological, financial issues;
- Growing debts, spending all earnings and savings on gambling;
- Criminal ways of getting money for playing (stealing, scamming, etc.);
- Pangs of remorse and regrets after playing;
- Strong belief in winning even after escalating number of loses;
- Losing self-control while gambling;
- Constant setbacks after quitting;
- Growing health issues because of stress;
- Desire to make more bets and win more and more.
Get Your Life Back: 5 Steps for Treating Addiction
- Study your problem. Define the reasons and sources of temptations.
- Seek for gambling addiction therapy. Ask the special medical and psychological centres for help.
- Find support. Join support groups like Gambling Anonymous fellows etc.
- Manage your debts. Get professional advice or charity help.
- Stop playing. Add yourself to the GamStop gambling self-exclusion scheme.
I have collected information about help centres for UK players with gambling problems.