I recently opened an account on the CBET casino on 09/03/2025 and made a deposit of €120. I won €255, which I withdrew using my IBAN. The next day, the withdrawal was still pending, so I deposited another €240 and managed to win €400, which I also withdrew to my account using my IBAN.
The following day, I logged back into my account and saw that I had €360 in my balance and that both of my withdrawals had been canceled. I reached out to customer support for help, and they told me they would open a ticket. Later, I received the email that I have attached, stating that I must withdraw the money within a week, or the funds will disappear. They also mentioned that once I withdraw, my account will be blocked.
I was given no justification or explanation. I replied to the email asking for more information but received no response. When I asked customer support for help, they said they didn’t know anything and just opened another ticket, telling me to wait for a response.
So today, I find myself with €360 in my balance that I cannot withdraw because they keep refusing my withdrawals, whether via IBAN or crypto. Additionally, they took €295 from my winnings.
Please help me recover my money and, most importantly, allow me to withdraw it. To my knowledge, I have not broken any rules, and they have provided no justification for their actions. They have not explained why they did this in any way. They are deliberately ignoring me because by Tuesday, it will be a week, and they will close my account and take the money.
My usurname on the site is : RATATA77
Streitsumme: 655€
Casino: Cbet Casino
Fall Nr.: 3039
Hallo, ich habe am 09.03.2025 ein Konto im CBET Casino eröffnet und 120 € eingezahlt. Ich gewann 255 €, die ich mir über meine IBAN auszahlen ließ. Am nächsten Tag war die Auszahlung noch nicht abgeschlossen, also zahlte ich weitere 240 € ein und gewann 400 €, die ich mir ebenfalls über meine IBAN auszahlen ließ. Am nächsten Tag loggte ich mich wieder in mein Konto ein und sah, dass mein Guthaben 360 € betrug und beide Auszahlungen storniert worden waren. Ich wandte mich an den Kundendienst, der mir mitteilte, dass ein Ticket eröffnet würde. Später erhielt ich die beigefügte E-Mail, in der stand, dass ich das Geld innerhalb einer Woche abheben müsse, da es sonst verfalle. Außerdem wurde erwähnt, dass mein Konto nach der Auszahlung gesperrt werde. Ich erhielt keine Begründung oder Erklärung. Ich antwortete auf die E-Mail mit der Bitte um weitere Informationen, erhielt jedoch keine Antwort. Als ich den Kundendienst um Hilfe bat, teilte man mir mit, dass man nichts wüsste, und eröffnete einfach ein weiteres Ticket mit der Aufforderung, auf eine Antwort zu warten. Heute habe ich 360 € Guthaben, die ich nicht abheben kann, weil sie meine Auszahlungen ständig ablehnen, egal ob per IBAN oder Krypto. Zusätzlich haben sie 295 € von meinen Gewinnen einbehalten. Bitte helfen Sie mir, mein Geld zurückzubekommen und, was am wichtigsten ist, erlauben Sie mir die Auszahlung. Meines Wissens habe ich keine Regeln gebrochen, und sie haben ihr Vorgehen nicht begründet. Sie haben mir keinerlei Gründe dafür genannt. Sie ignorieren mich absichtlich, denn am Dienstag, also in einer Woche, werden sie mein Konto schließen und das Geld einbehalten. Mein Benutzername auf der Website lautet: RATATA77
Streitsumme: 655€
Casino: Cbet Casino
Fall Nr.: 3039
I recently opened an account on the CBET casino on 09/03/2025 and made a deposit of €120. I won €255, which I withdrew using my IBAN. The next day, the withdrawal was still pending, so I deposited another €240 and managed to win €400, which I also withdrew to my account using my IBAN.
The following day, I logged back into my account and saw that I had €360 in my balance and that both of my withdrawals had been canceled. I reached out to customer support for help, and they told me they would open a ticket. Later, I received the email that I have attached, stating that I must withdraw the money within a week, or the funds will disappear. They also mentioned that once I withdraw, my account will be blocked.
I was given no justification or explanation. I replied to the email asking for more information but received no response. When I asked customer support for help, they said they didn’t know anything and just opened another ticket, telling me to wait for a response.
So today, I find myself with €360 in my balance that I cannot withdraw because they keep refusing my withdrawals, whether via IBAN or crypto. Additionally, they took €295 from my winnings.
Please help me recover my money and, most importantly, allow me to withdraw it. To my knowledge, I have not broken any rules, and they have provided no justification for their actions. They have not explained why they did this in any way. They are deliberately ignoring me because by Tuesday, it will be a week, and they will close my account and take the money.
My usurname on the site is : RATATA77
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