ANYHOW... I wished there were already a thread on this because I just don't have the time right now to offer a more comprehensive introduction to Doge/Altcoins. I learned about them from Cheetahwind on the BitcoinPenguin thread on this forum.

I emailed the support at WESELLCRYPTO.COM & they apologized for the delay letting me know that they were hacked yesterday ... so beware. I haven't received my Doge, of course I am not too worried about $15 ~ however it is very unfortunate that a company with such an extensive background in the Altcoins world is vulnerable to be hacked. The two founders are active on Reddit & very accessible. I have absolute faith in their service & hope they are stable again soon.
This is an excerpt from the email I received:
"Hey - very sorry for the inconvenience. We suffered a hack yesterday.
We are working hard to bring things back to stable and orders should
be caught up shortly."