BetFred Casino - Fireblaze Weekend Cash
Promo valid: 13th October 2023 - 15th October 2023.
Prize pool: £/€500

Eligible games: Adventure Trail, Mega Fireblaze: Big Circus, Fireblaze: Blue Wizard, Fireblaze: Blue Wizard Megaways, Fireblaze Golden: Buccaneer Bells, Fireblaze Quattro: Celtic Charm, Fireblaze: Eternal Lady, Fireblaze: Fire Fighter, Fireblaze: Green Wizard, Fireblaze: Golden Macaque, Fireblaze: Jinns Moon, Mega Fireblaze: Khonsu God of Moon, Mega Fireblaze: Legacy of the Tiger, Fireblaze: Pharoh's Daughter, Mega Fireblaze: Piggies and the Bank, Fireblaze: Red Wizard, Fireblaze: Sisters Gift, Fireblaze: Sky Queen, Fireblaze: Toltec Blocks, Fireblaze: Tsai Shen's Gift and Mega Fireblaze: Wild Pistolero.
If you don't have an account Sign up Here.
How does it work:
- Play eligible games and collect points.
- Points earned are based on your win multiplier multiplied by 10.
- Casino T&C apply.
1st |
£/€500 |
2nd |
£/€250 |
3rd |
£/€150 |
4th |
£/€100 |
5th |
£/€75 |
6th-25th |
£/€10 |
26th-100th |
£/€5 |
101st-500th |
£/€2 |
501st-1500th |
£/€1 |
BetFred Casino – Fireblaze Weekend Cash
Aktion gültig: 13. Oktober 2023 – 15. Oktober 2023.
Preispool: £/€500

Berechtigte Spiele : Adventure Trail, Mega Fireblaze: Big Circus, Fireblaze: Blue Wizard, Fireblaze: Blue Wizard Megaways, Fireblaze Golden: Buccaneer Bells, Fireblaze Quattro: Celtic Charm, Fireblaze: Eternal Lady, Fireblaze: Fire Fighter, Fireblaze: Green Wizard, Fireblaze: Golden Macaque, Fireblaze: Jinns Moon, Mega Fireblaze: Khonsu God of Moon, Mega Fireblaze: Legacy of the Tiger, Fireblaze: Pharoh's Daughter, Mega Fireblaze: Piggies and the Bank, Fireblaze: Red Wizard, Fireblaze: Sisters Gift, Fireblaze : Sky Queen, Fireblaze: Toltec Blocks, Fireblaze: Tsai Shen's Gift und Mega Fireblaze: Wild Pistolero.
Wenn Sie noch kein Konto haben, registrieren Sie sich hier.
Wie funktioniert es:
- Spielen Sie teilnahmeberechtigte Spiele und sammeln Sie Punkte.
- Die gesammelten Punkte basieren auf Ihrem Gewinnmultiplikator multipliziert mit 10.
- Es gelten die Casino-AGB.
1 | £/€500 |
2 | £/€250 |
3 | £/€150 |
4 | £/€100 |
5 | £/€75 |
6.-25 | £/€10 |
26.-100 | £/€5 |
101.-500 | £/€2 |
501.-1500 | £/€1 |