Oldschoolmeisje wrote:
Mit den letzten freispielen habe ich 9 euro gewonnen und ich hatte noch 13,95 echtgeld guthaben drauf gelassen. insgesamt werden mir jetzt 22,95 € als auszahlbares guthaben in meinem account angezeigt
ich bin mal gespannt wie weit wir das spielchen noch treiben können/dürfen.
ich bin mal gespannt ob die 100 euro auszahlung durchgeht, ich glaub da nämlich noch nicht so ganz dran.....
wenn das 24Bettle Casino genauso vorgeht wie das Rembrand Casino, weiß jetzt nicht genau aber meine die gehören zu den gleichen unternehmen dann
sieh mal den Text hab ich letztens bei meiner Auszahlung von lächerlichen 40€ erhalten:
Dear Kristina,
I hope you enjoyed your game at our casino.
According to our bonus terms I have to inform you that winnings with free spins received without making a deposit in the last 7 days, are limited to a maximum of €25, (if there is a remaining balance; this will be waived) and can only be claimed by players who deposited within 2 months before the payout request.
If you haven't made a deposit in our casino yet, according to our bonus terms, you have a 30 days period to make one, or these bonus winnings be waived.
Would you please inform us per e-mail as soon as you made a deposit so we can proceed with your cashout request.
Rembrandt Casino Support "
also wollte dich jetzt nicht runterziehen oder so aber wollte dich schonmal "vorwahnen"
und ich würde es dir gönnen und drück die daumen das es klappt
lieben Gruß
Oldschool girl wrote: With the last free spins I won 9 euros and I still had 13.95 real money left on it. A total of €22.95 is now shown as a withdrawable balance in my account
I'm curious to see how far we can/are allowed to take this game.
I'm curious whether the 100 euro payout will go through, I don't really believe it yet...
If the 24Bettle Casino does the same thing as the Rembrand Casino, I don't know exactly but I think they belong to the same company
Look at the text I recently received when I paid out a ridiculous €40:
Dear Kristina,
I hope you enjoyed your game at our casino.
According to our bonus terms I have to inform you that winnings with free spins received without making a deposit in the last 7 days, are limited to a maximum of €25, (if there is a remaining balance; this will be waived) and can only be claimed by players who deposited within 2 months before the payout request.
If you haven't made a deposit in our casino yet, according to our bonus terms, you have a 30 day period to make one, or these bonus winnings will be waived.
Would you please inform us by email as soon as you made a deposit so we can proceed with your cashout request.
Rembrandt Casino Support"
So I didn't want to bring you down or anything, but I just wanted to give you a heads up 
and I would like it for you and keep my fingers crossed that it works 
kind regards