LCB Pennies From Heaven May Contest
Find a penny, pick it up, all day long have good luck! Some say they are pennies from heaven and luck is definitely on your side if you have the year we are looking for.
Grab all your one cent coins and have them close at hand because every day I will announce a year. If you have the lucky penny with the year I am looking for simply take a picture of it and post it! The first member that posts the image with the correct year will win.
Currency must be equal to one cent this will include USD, GBP, EUR etc.
Please note the penny must be yours personally, no images from the internet will be accepted and is strictly prohibited. Any member trying to pass off images from the internet as their own will be disqualified from this contest and any further contests at LCB.
Day 1 - 1997 penny - Winner - pokergranni
Day 2 - 2005 - Winner - Jewelnurse
Day 3 - 2006 - Winner - Denise007
Day 4 - 1989 - Winner - Denise007
Day 5 - 2016 - Winner - cica001
Day 6 - 1991 - Winner - shirlsplay
Day 7 - 1998 - Winner - The Shadow
Day 8 - 1979 - Winner - DEEZNUTZ4U
Day 9 - 2010 - Winner - jewelnurse
Day 10 - 2017 - 2Late4Me
Day 11 - 2010 - Winner - 2Late4Me
Day 12 - 1987 - Winner - stish
Day 13 - 2010 - uffa2015
Day 14 - 1935 - stish
14 Days of Prizes:
1 - $50
1 - $40
1 - $35
1 - $30
1 - $25
1 - $20
2 - 10
6 - $5
To access the LCB Shop find the drop down menu under your name in the top left corner above the header and click “Redeem Credits”. Purchase gifts in our LCB Shop with your shop cash. It’s as easy as that!
1. One image per day
2. To qualify for this contest you must be a member for at least one month. In this case, only members that have joined on or before April 5th, 2017 are eligible.
3. Any member having more than one account to enter the contest will be disqualified.
4. After contest period ends all prize winners will be declared shortly thereafter.
5. LCB has the right to end this contest or amend at any time and void all wins should any unforeseen issues arise or abuse is indicated.
6. LCB Cash can ONLY be redeemed in the LCB Shop.
7. Prize money can be redeemed immediately or can be accumulated to save for bigger prizes.
8. Max number of times a member can win is TWICE. In the event, you do continue answering in the contest your answer and prizes won will be forfeited.
Prizes for winners will be determined by random draw process and announced shortly after the end of the contest.
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