GESCHLOSSEN – LCB Thanksgiving-Worträtselwettbewerb im November

Letzter Beitrag erstellt vor vor einem Jahr durch gjr1961
  • Erstellt von
  • Lipstick
  • United States Almighty Member 13901
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  • Happiness is itself a kind of happiness

    Challenging as hell.....
    (Be Careful What You Wish For lol..)

  • day 16: Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action..

  • here my guess for day 16........ Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude
    thank you and good luck smiley

  • I think that is it shirlsplay, looks like leon21 made a booboo or typo when he wrote it down.  Good job......

  • Congrats jade exclamation :3

  • Happiness is itself a kind of happiness

    Challenging as hell.....
    (Be Careful What You Wish For lol..)

    Congrats! This is your 3rd and final win for this contest.

  • Well shut my mouth! ! ! !

    Congratulations Leon21

    I really thought it was a mistake, typo, something. . . . . .

    I learned something new today.......

  • Congrats Leon21  exclamation

  • Day 17. A very pilgrim thanksgiving  huh  dizzy

  • Day 17. A very pilgrim thanksgiving

    thank you and good luck everyone  smiley  >:>>

  • congrats leon

    like jade said I thought it was a mistake also.....  a job well done.  good luck  smiley  >:>>

  • congrats Leon21  smiley

    like  shirlsplay's answer but will try

    Day 17  The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving  smiley

  • >:>>Congratulations Leon21!  exclamation

    I think dilligaf and Shirlsplay both guessed correctly. WTG
    exclamation  O///O

  • I think dilligaf and Shirlsplay both guessed correctly. WTG [/font][/size][/color] exclamation  O///O

    Well since dilligaf has already won three times, shirlsplay has a crack on today's puzzle (I think)  smiley smiley

    Hello Jenna . All the best to you  smiley
  • day 17- Happy thanksgiving and merry christmas

  • Shirlsplay, Yours looks like the one.

    (but, after that last quote, what do I know!)   

    I'm routing for ya.....

  • Day 17. A very pilgrim thanksgiving

    thank you and good luck everyone  smiley  >:>>

    Dilligaf solved the puzzle but because he won the three times max for this contest he is no longer eligible to win a prize until next month's contest.

    Although shirlsplay didn't solve the puzzle she was the next in line to copy the correct answer declaring her the winner.

  • So sorry Dilligaf but thank you so very much exclamation!

  • Day 18. Live well, laugh often, love much

  • So sorry Dilligaf but thank you so very much exclamation!

    My pleasure  exclamation  smiley smiley
  • Day 18. Live well, laugh often, love much

  • Day18:Laugh often,live well,love much

  • So sorry Dilligaf but thank you so very much exclamation!

    My pleasure  exclamation  smiley smiley

    Why are you continuing to answer the puzzles when you are no longer eligible to win a prize? Please do not answer any more for the duration of the contest. It is not fair for the rest of the members that put thought and work into these puzzles.

    If you continue to solve anymore of the puzzles the prizes you have already won will be removed.

    Thank-your for your cooperation.

  • What Lips said, and just to add I am voiding the last puzzle for the obvious reasons.

    Lips will come up with a new one for today.

    thanks all

  • So sorry Dilligaf but thank you so very much exclamation!

    My pleasure  exclamation  smiley smiley

    Why are you continuing to answer the puzzles when you are no longer eligible to win a prize?

    Because it's fun! I love puzzles  exclamation My bad  sad  I stop answering now I promise.
  • Puzzle has been removed and a new one has been put in its place due to an unfair issue. Please feel free to answer again for day 18 providing you have not already won three times for this contest
  • am sorry ...  smiley  >:>>

  • Why there's no rule that after 3 correct answers member is not allowed to answer anymore?

    Only this:

    Please note in this contest the max number of times a member can win is 3 times. Therefore, if a member answering correctly after winning three times will not qualify for a prize.

  • Why there's no rule that after 3 correct answers member is not allowed to answer anymore?

    Only this:

    Please note in this contest the max number of times a member can win is 3 times. Therefore, if a member answering correctly after winning three times will not qualify for a prize.

    Why?? Because it is not fair play that is why. I can't think of every possible thing that can take place and put it in the rules until it happens. I pretty much thought common sense and courtesy to the other members to seek the challenge would be enough. Apparently it wasn't.

  • am sorry ...  smiley  >:>>

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter, it is appreciated xo
  • I was going to say something about that, but the point has been made very well.

    Good luck everyone on today's puzzle!

  • Why there's no rule that after 3 correct answers member is not allowed to answer anymore?

    Only this:

    Please note in this contest the max number of times a member can win is 3 times. Therefore, if a member answering correctly after winning three times will not qualify for a prize.

    Why?? Because it is not fair play that is why. I can't think of every possible thing that can take place and put it in the rules until it happens. I pretty much thought common sense and courtesy to the other members to seek the challenge would be enough. Apparently it wasn't.

    Ok i'm stupid. Thanks for reminding me  exclamation kbye..
  • for Day 18

          My life isn't perfect but I'm thankful for everything I have

  • Day 18....... My life isn't perfect but I'm grateful for everyone and everything I have.

    following lakandan

    thank you and good luck  smiley
  • Answers are very close but no one has won yet for day 18!

  • Day 19

      May the blessings of this Thanksgiving fill your heart and home  smiley

  • day 18

      My life is not perfect but I am thankful for everything I have  smiley

  • day 19:Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.

  • Day 18....... My life is not perfect but I'm thankful for what I have.

    thank you and good luck everyone.  smiley

  • day 19.....  Blessings are oftentimes not valued till they are gone.

    thank you and good luck everyone.  smiley >:>>

  • It appears to me that Shirslsplay is on a roll! WTG!!  :D
  • Just a quick question, now that the contest is almost over. Is there a way to move or turn the puzzle pieces, to where you can make some sense out of the words?
    thx in advance.

    p.s. why would u want to answer after 3 wins, and take away a chance for someone else to win one?
    (of course I cant even guess one right! lol)

  • I have added another clue to day 18 since no one has guessed yet.

  • day 18 ... My Life  isnt perfect but I am thankful for what I have

    I hope it was ok to guess again......  thank you  smiley

  • I was wondering about moving the pieces myself. I think, though, that people are doing it in their mind, which is not a talent of mine.    8'| frown

    If you have already won 3 times, I can see where you would still want to try to figure out the rest of the puzzles. My question would be: why would you feel the need to post the answer?

    <htg>  O///O  X>:>>  <sapp>
  • day 18: My life isnt perfect but I am thankful for what I have

  • well I could have been the son of the wealthiest man in the world, but I am not  laugh_out_loud laugh_out_loud

        My life isn't perfect but I am thankful for what i have.  smiley smiley

  • day 18- My life isnt perfect but I am thankful for what I have

  • DAY - 19

  • and just want to point out the difference in my answer and the other one that is very close to mine is that I put hearts not heart...hopefully Im right about this one...but good luck to all

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