>:( HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! Check this out!!! They won't give me my $50! Tried to say I went through wrong affliliate! What's up with these people! Can't ya'll do something?! >:( Here's the chat:
Thank you for contacting us, you are number 1 out of 1 in the queue. You will be answered in 4 seconds, please wait for the operator to respond or call us at toll free (US only) number listed on our site.
Thank you for contacting us at our 24X7 Live Support. You are chatting with Sarah. How may I assist you?
Sarah: Hello, Welcome to Captain Jack Casino!
lindalocz: Hi.
Sarah: Hi
Sarah: :-)
lindalocz: I'm wondering why you won't give me the Exclusive ND Bonus through lcb.org? I registered through their site and have NEVER played, let alone been in your casino! What's the deal?
Sarah: Can you please provide your User Name and Email Id to access your account?
lindalocz: lindalocz lindalocz@gmail.com
Sarah: ty
Sarah: Would request you to please hold for a moment while I pull up your account details
Sarah: i tried giving you that bonus but it says that Player Not Associated With Correct Affiliate
Sarah: but i can give you our free sign up money up $25
lindalocz: WHAT??? I still have the site up! I downloaded from this page: http://www.captainjackcasino.com/affiliates.htm Now, I can read and that website says affiliate doesn't it?
Sarah: my system is not allowing me to give you that bonus
lindalocz: That's where the link from lcb.org brought me.
Sarah: the best i can do for you this moment is to give you free 25
lindalocz: I want the bonus I signed up for. You should be able to give me $50 like offered if your so easily able to give me half thar! I followed the correct procedure, your system is obviously messed up because I have even given you the right web address. I want my $50 promised!
Sarah: Would request you to please hold for a moment while I pull up your account details
lindalocz: ok
Sarah: my system says that you are not associated with correct affiliate and i am doing correct procedure
Sarah: i can give you free 25 after playing with that money you can come back i will give you 10 more
lindalocz: How would I know the correct web address if I didn't use it to download ya'll? That sound ok, but why couldn't you just give me the $25 twice? That equals the $50 I'm supposed to get? Again...(please answer this) how would I know the web address if I didn't use it?
lindalocz: I mean, I'm still looking at it! It's still on my browser!!!!! Says.....
Sarah: i understand that
lindalocz: $50 freeNO DEPOSIT REQUIRED
lindalocz: Join now and feel the action. 2 easy steps
Sarah: we cant give free money twice in a row as system doesnt allow so
lindalocz: Download and register
lindalocz: Redeem coupon LASINOBONUSES
lindalocz: That looks like the right affiliate to me!]\
Sarah: you have also tried redeeming it but you couldnt...right
Sarah: ?
lindalocz: That seems to be the right link for this bonus to me, how about you?
lindalocz: Well, obviously your system is wrong! cORRECT???!!!
lindalocz: right! says talk to ya'll and I am!
Sarah: you tell me what can be done now if i am expalaining you that system isnt allowing me
lindalocz: Get your manager to ok you giving me $50. That's what I signed up for. I know there is a way your manager can get me $50. They do have that ability.
Sarah: i am the manager mam
lindalocz: Well...How can you not override the system block as it has no doubt glitched
Sarah: you dont want me to give you free 25 ??
lindalocz: Give me $40 and I'll settle. Since YOUR system is screwed up! And badly, too!
Sarah: i have free25
Sarah: and free 10
lindalocz: I'll take the $25, but I will be back for the other $10.
Sarah: sure
lindalocz: I hope I don't have any problems getting the other $10 to work properly
lindalocz: I suggest getting this "system" fixed!
Sarah: thank you for the suggestion
lindalocz: Is it there yet?
lindalocz: I don't see it.
Sarah: All set
Sarah: Good luck
Sarah: refresh the page once
Sarah: Have a good day
lindalocz: Ok. Wait while I do that, please.
lindalocz: I see it. Thanks
Sarah: and also i promise you to give you VIP bonus when you make deposit ok...
lindalocz: ok
lindalocz: I would like a copy of this chat sent to my e-mail, please.
Sarah: linda whenever you want to make deposit
Sarah: do come on chat and ask for sarah
Sarah: or
Sarah: you can also call us on our toll free number
Sarah: ok
Sarah: Our Toll Free number: 1-888-288-2939
lindalocz: ok. Thanks again. Will I be getting the e-mail copy?
lindalocz: You there?
Sarah: yes
Sarah: sorry for delay
Sarah: email copy for ?
lindalocz: my records. just in case I do end up having some kind of problem later.
Sarah: you can save this chat
lindalocz: ok. How?
Sarah: we dont sends chats to players
Sarah: you can copy and paste it
Sarah: but do not worry ata ll
Sarah: i always give fabulous bonuses to all my players
lindalocz: ok. Well I'll be back. You said ask for you, right?
Sarah: sure
Sarah: anytime
Sarah: and
Sarah: one more thing
lindalocz: Yes?
Sarah: DO WIN please...
Sarah: :-)
I hope so! Bye. See you later!
Sarah: Have a Blessed Day baby...
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