GESCHLOSSEN – Aktion – 20 € ohne Einzahlung im Casino 770 Casino

Letzter Beitrag erstellt vor vor einem Jahr durch zuga
  • Erstellt von
  • zuga
  • Yugoslavia Admin 8389
  • online

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Bitte nutze den oder die Registrierung um mitzumachen.

  • No USA

    New players ONLY

    Must use our link Casino 770 Casino

    Free €20
    Code :

    Insert the code  when you register to get the bonus.


  • Hi there, just thought i would let you all know that this was the response i got when trying to redeem LCB bonus code as well as the one displayed on the website,


    Thank you for choosing the bonuses.

    The bonus code that you have used has been declined, this may be because it is not available anymore or the stock has been completely exhausted.

    Please feel free to check out our other promotions and e-mails to ensure that you've received news of any new bonus codes!

    Your bill

    Transaction  REFUSED
    Transaction amount  0 GBP
    Current balance  0.00 GBP

    Be good x

  • Hmmm looking into this.

  • dident work 4 me wither

  • Any news on this one yet? I'm really bored lol

  • when you register you need to add the letters BR after your user name in order for the sign up bonus "LATEST20L" to be credited and it shows immediately.


  • Thanks for the info Holly but I think it's too late for me...I already registered smiley

  • For some reason they had set the limit for number of players that could redeem this bonus.

    As i understand they fixed this , so i suggest you to try to redeem it again.

  • Hi, this code don´t work.
    Have it try for a few minutes and all other they you can find on many other sites with bonus codes.

    Regards from Germany


  • Hi Luggi,

    did you register using our banner/link?  Also did you insert the code LATEST20L during the registration?

  • yes it didn't work for me either.  ShailaBR.  And I registered from here.  Casino is impossible to  download too!  Grrrrrr

  • looking into this

  • Thanks Zuga.  I gave up on downloading the casino.  laugh_out_loud and when I play Instant play the casino is on my screen, the size of my thumbnail smiley  But the Classic casino opens fine.  People seem nice so far! 

    Let me know if this gets figured out!  Thanks again!

  • Well no word from them yet. I'm closing this promotion until  we hear from casino.

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