Hi friends...
This weekend I have decided to have a garage sale. It is the city wide Garage sale where I live and I might as well get in on the action. Who doesn't have stuff that you need to get rid of right? Things we dont want anymore? Just the word garage sale makes me laugh. First off, people call it a garage sale, and never have a garage for sale. (I know, bad joke) I have been to garage sales where the stuff was broken and didn't even work. Like a toaster I remember. They wanted a dollar for it. "But it doesn't even work..." I say. The owner assured me that it was still worthy of a dollar even though it didnt work as the cord was still good. HAHAHA...True story. I have people that look around at all the stuff yet ask for something that just doesn't exist. They approach and say..."I am looking for a bed." I say straight faced, "Do you see a bed?" Like this is the time I am going to offer him the beds in my home.
I have been to garage sales where people hang clothing from the tree limbs in the front yard. This kills me. Some garage sales actually look like the garage BLEW UP , and scattered the remains in the driveway and front yard.
Some people are really pros at garage sales. They walk around and eye your things, and over all size up the joint.
I never know what to price my items, but I know I want to get rid of it, so I price to sell, I mean low. Don't you know as low as I price it someone always has to dicker and deal on an item for a quarter. It never fails, if I mark it a quarter, I'll get offered 10 cents. Some people actually want you give items for free. The potential buyer says... "If I buy this and this, I would like to have this item thrown in for free." "If I buy five beenie babies, I want five for free."
Also, do people not know they are going to a garage sale? I start out my garage sale with a few singles and some change, and don't you know the first customer has to try to hand me a Hundred dollar bill? I am usually all alone running the thing and have no ability to run to the bank for change so I can unload my old wardrobe of all my 1980's clothes. (That I would never be caught dead in again, or ever fit in again for that matter.) Last but not least, for myself, anything I do not end up selling usually goes to the curb for the next trash day. There is usually a big pile of stuff, and I actually see people drive by, slow down, get out and go thru it. I say "Have at 'er."
(Garage sales are alot of work too. Cleaning everything, pricing everything, and then lugging it in and out each day you have a sale.)
You know, after writing this post, I am looking forward to the big sale I will have. Just for entertainment value and the laughs that it will give me. Best of all, it's all lfor gambling money anyways. hehe
Anyone else have garage sale stories? They really are a funny thing.
Thanks for reading...PMM2008
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